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Roger Andre Lassen

Posts 150
02 Apr 2018 09:38

Seeing as my mother passed away almost 3 years ago, i wouldnt know what she would say.

All i´m saying. What people choose to use their Amigas for, is none of your business. Why spend kcal´s on it ?

Well, i´m not impressed with your attitude either, so lets leave there.

Have a good one.

Przemyslaw Tkaczyk

Posts 155
02 Apr 2018 13:59


Steve Ferrell wrote:

  What makes you think I care what people do with their Amigas?  I honestly don't care, but I do refuse to accept the idea of running SETI binaries from 20+ years ago on a system that performs like it's 1998 is a good idea.  Based on your lack of vocabulary and most likely a lack of education as well, you must think it's a great idea.  All I can say is that you should seek higher education and an expanded vocabulary....before your mother takes a switch to your backside.
  Now run along and do your best to insult someone else online with your amazing vocabulary....I'm not impressed....yawn....

First of all, assuming someone's lack of education based on his use of English (as a second language) is plain lame. I dare you to try to communicate in Roger's native language and then we'll judge your own "education" (or rather lack thereof) based solely on this. What do you say?

Second of all, SETI@home on Amiga has not only already been tried (with success) but Amiga SETI Team was an official part of this project and mentioned in several places across Berkeley's pages. And that was 15 years ago. And now, after we have more powerful CPU it's a silly idea out of the sudden? And running all kinds of Quake isn't? *SMH*

http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu:80/stats/team/team_79567.html (old, BROKEN)
And lastly, don't you think it's not up to you to "accept" or "refuse" this or any other idea that doesn't interest or concern you?

Roger Andre Lassen

Posts 150
02 Apr 2018 15:19

Thanks for the support Przemyslaw.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
02 Apr 2018 15:49

Roger Andre Lassen wrote:

  Thanks for the support Przemyslaw.

  I find SETI an interesting effort and would love to see AOS 68k client too, 080 MMX optimized, if possible.
  If "breakthrough competition" is still up, EXTERNAL LINK  we might win it with some "we come in peace" mod music and fund AOS development :-) Or, of Duck Dogers Intro Amiga Remixed :-)
  As well it could be a great honour to ser Hawkins.
  Otherwise, SETI thing might come to Jonie Bravo chasing aliens

Mallagan Bellator

Posts 393
02 Apr 2018 16:05

Przemyslaw Tkaczyk wrote:

It's SETI@Home to be precise. No, you don't need an antenna and you do not contact aliens from your home computer ;) You download some radio telescope data to analyze and then upload it back to the project HQ. Same as you can do with helping "fold" some "proteins" by running a small client software on your home computer to help progress on the cancer and Ebola cure. TBH it makes me a little bit sad to hear this slightly ignorant tone on your part, Mr Mallagan...

Alright, sorry then

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 17:10

Przemyslaw Tkaczyk wrote:

Steve Ferrell wrote:

    What makes you think I care what people do with their Amigas?  I honestly don't care, but I do refuse to accept the idea of running SETI binaries from 20+ years ago on a system that performs like it's 1998 is a good idea.  Based on your lack of vocabulary and most likely a lack of education as well, you must think it's a great idea.  All I can say is that you should seek higher education and an expanded vocabulary....before your mother takes a switch to your backside.
    Now run along and do your best to insult someone else online with your amazing vocabulary....I'm not impressed....yawn....

  First of all, assuming someone's lack of education based on his use of English (as a second language) is plain lame. I dare you to try to communicate in Roger's native language and then we'll judge your own "education" (or rather lack thereof) based solely on this. What do you say?
  Second of all, SETI@home on Amiga has not only already been tried (with success) but Amiga SETI Team was an official part of this project and mentioned in several places across Berkeley's pages. And that was 15 years ago. And now, after we have more powerful CPU it's a silly idea out of the sudden? And running all kinds of Quake isn't? *SMH*
  http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu:80/stats/team/team_79567.html (old, BROKEN)
  And lastly, don't you think it's not up to you to "accept" or "refuse" this or any other idea that doesn't interest or concern you?

I'm assuming his education level by his use of profanity.  I have no idea what his nationality is, nor do I care.  If he chooses to speak English here maybe he should limit his already limited vocabulary to  words that aren't profane and offensive.
  ..and yes, it IS up to me to accept or refuse the ideas presented in this thread, especially when they suggest and promote an idea to be something worthwhile to do on MY Amiga.  It isn't worthwhile nor is it a good idea.  What I do with MY Amiga IS my concern and I won't under any circumstances let anyone tell me that pulling it out to run 15 year old SETI binaries on it is a good use of my Amiga, my time or my electricity.
And as I said in an earlier post, if anyone wants to waste their time running 15-20 yr old SETI binaries on their ancient hardware, then they should go have fun with that.  But it's an absurd waste of time and electricity.  If someone really wants to help find extra terrestrial life, then they should use the proper tools. Things have changed so dramatically in 15 years that those old binaries can't even communicate with the current SETI servers. 

And no one said anything about playing Quake in this thread....wasting time entertaining oneself by gaming versus using an Amiga for research are two entirely different things.  Why would you choose to handicap yourself as a researcher by using a pocket calculator when you have access to massive CPU horsepower in your lab?  Good grief....if ideas such as these are what you promote as worthwhile endeavors, then you're delusional.

That's what I say.

Roger Andre Lassen

Posts 150
02 Apr 2018 17:33

You assume too much Steve. Why are you acting like this ?

People can use their Amigas how EVER they please, you dont have to like it, but you should respect it.

Roy Gillotti

Posts 521
02 Apr 2018 17:34

@Steve, I'm sorry that what others do with their own Amigas offends you and you need to be strongly vocal about it...

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 17:34

Roger Andre Lassen wrote:

  You assume too much Steve. Why are you acting like this ?
    People can use their Amigas how EVER they please, you dont have to like it, but you should respect it.

You must have a serious reading comprehension problem, so I will say this a third time as a direct quote from my earlier posts:
"And as I said in an earlier post, if anyone wants to waste their time running 15-20 yr old SETI binaries on their ancient hardware, then they should go have fun with that.  But it's an absurd waste of time and electricity.  If someone really wants to help find extra terrestrial life, then they should use the proper tools. Things have changed so dramatically in 15 years that those old binaries can't even communicate with the current SETI servers."


Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 17:49

Roy Gillotti wrote:

@Steve, I'm sorry that what others do with their own Amigas offends you and you need to be strongly vocal about it...

Why are you assuming that I'm offended?  I'm just pointing out that if you want to conduct serious research, then you should use the proper tools, and to suggest otherwise is delusional.  I don't use a pocket calculator to generate 3D models nor do I use an Amiga running OS3 to fold proteins or conduct research in the field of physics nor in the hunt for extra-terrestrial life....and neither does any other serious scientist.

Amigas running OS3 are best used for gaming and reliving the nostalgia of the 80's and 90's.  To suggest otherwise is pure folly.

And I will say this a fourth time since so many people seemed to have missed it in my earlier responses:

"And as I said in an earlier post, if anyone wants to waste their time running 15-20 yr old SETI binaries on their ancient hardware, then they should go have fun with that.  But it's an absurd waste of time and electricity.  If someone really wants to help find extra terrestrial life, then they should use the proper tools. Things have changed so dramatically in 15 years that those old binaries can't even communicate with the current SETI servers."

Roy Gillotti

Posts 521
02 Apr 2018 17:52

@Steve, well I wonder...
    You are literally wasting time out of your day by telling people that the thing that they want to do or attempt to do with their own Amiga is wrong and a waste of time.
  Just to add, I actually use my Vampired A2000 for real work, sure sometimes I need to use VNC to get a proper web browser, but do real work like word processing, Spreadsheets, programming and remote administration all with tools made for OS3. What I don't like and you will likely deny it, is that you're imposing your own ideals on other people.

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 18:15

Roy Gillotti wrote:

    @Steve, well I wonder...
        You are literally wasting time out of your day by telling people that the thing that they want to do or attempt to do with their own Amiga is wrong and a waste of time.
      Just to add, I actually use my Vampired A2000 for real work, sure sometimes I need to use VNC to get a proper web browser, but do real work like word processing, Spreadsheets, programming and remote administration all with tools made for OS3. What I don't like and you will likely deny it, is that you're imposing your own ideals on other people.

Nope, not wasting any time at all.  I can multitask quite well on my Windows 10 system, and while I'm responding to your latest post using Chrome I'm also generating 3D surface models and contour maps from LIDAR data collected by an aerial drone.
So you use your Vampire as a terminal.....connected to a real system that does all the real work....sorry, but I won't call that ingenious.  And don't compare word processing, spreadsheets or remote administration with research.  I do assume that you know there's a difference so I wonder why you even brought those up.
Again, if you like wasting your time and electricity using outdated tools and want to call that serious research, then knock yourself out. 
What I don't like is that you're imposing your ideas on me, that somehow using outdated and out-gunned tech is the correct way to conduct scientific research or simulation/modeling...or even a judicious use of one's time.

Roy Gillotti

Posts 521
02 Apr 2018 18:31


No I don't just use it as a Terminal, I have one use case when I need to use a Web Browser with proper Javascript, like I said I program on it quite a bit, play a lot of games on it as well.

But that aside with your attitude I have to wonder why you want a Vampire in the first place, when you can just emulate an Amiga faster on a PC, or not even bother with the Amiga in the first place according to the logic you laid down in the last several posts. When running a boosted 25+ year old computer why are you putting some line in the sand that one use case is valid and another it's absurd. In some sense it's totally absurd to use a classic Amiga this day and age, however with the Vampire we're getting into realms where we can do modern things and not just be bound by 80's and 90's nostalgia.

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 18:57

Roy Gillotti wrote:

    No I don't just use it as a Terminal, I have one use case when I need to use a Web Browser with proper Javascript, like I said I program on it quite a bit, play a lot of games on it as well.
    But that aside with your attitude I have to wonder why you want a Vampire in the first place, when you can just emulate an Amiga faster on a PC, or not even bother with the Amiga in the first place according to the logic you laid down in the last several posts. When running a boosted 25+ year old computer why are you putting some line in the sand that one use case is valid and another it's absurd. In some sense it's totally absurd to use a classic Amiga this day and age, however with the Vampire we're getting into realms where we can do modern things and not just be bound by 80's and 90's nostalgia.

Again, what does that have to do with research, simulation, modeling or the search for extra-terrestrial life?
Why are you promoting a 25+ year old computer, even if it's updated with a Vampire as a good tool for doing any of the above?  Sorry, but even with a Vampire installed, your Amiga will only run like it's 1998 so please don't imply that it's moving into the realm of "modern" things.  It's far from modern unless you've been living in a tech vacuum for the past 20 years.  It's a hobbyist's toy and yes, if there was an Amiga-only piece of software that I just had to have to do any research, I'd run it under WinUAE on a "modern" system with a modern CPU so that I wouldn't have to wait an eternity for results.  You're only helping me to make my argument that an FPGA hobby board is not the tool for any serious research.  In terms of performance, the Vampire has merely moved classic Amigas from 1992 to about 1998 or maybe as far as 2000...this is 2018 according to my calendar.
"Modern" implies video editing, 3D modeling, simulation, modern encryption such as TLS/SSL...and adherence to some modern and open standards such as Vulkan, multi-user security, x.264/265 etc.....none of which you're going to find on past or present Amigas.

Roy Gillotti

Posts 521
02 Apr 2018 19:18

  It has nothing to do with Research, Simulation or Modeling... only you are implying I have any vested interest in any of that and you seem to invent a ton of other implications on what I'm trying to say. 
  So to boil it down, I'm just trying to say is don't go on a public forum and state what is useless or not to others, some may find some benefit of attempting port this even if it's just an exercise in porting some software, something may be gained from it. 
  And yes my idea of Modern may be a bit different than most people. But little by little with faster FPGAs and other core developments we could blur some lines. Your attitude to me just sounds like no one should try anything as it's not worth it. Which isn't an attitude to get anything done.

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 19:26

Roy Gillotti wrote:

  It has nothing to do with Research, Simulation or Modeling... only you are implying I have any vested interest in any of that and you seem to invent a ton of other implications on what I'm trying to say. 
  So to boil it down, I'm just trying to say is don't go on a public forum and state what is useless or not to others, some may find some benefit of attempting port this even if it's just an exercise in porting some software, something may be gained from it. 
  And yes my idea of Modern may be a bit different that most people. But little by little with faster FPGAs and other core developments we could blur some lines. Your attitude to me just sounds like no one should try anything as it's not worth it. Which isn't an attitude to get anything done.

Well, that's funny because I thought this thread was about SETI and the search for extra-terrestrial life, which unless I'm mistaken falls under the area of scientific research.
Until the Apollo Core gets burned into real silicon, it won't be suitable for anything beyond the arena of hobbyists and nostalgia seekers.  I hope Gunnar is successful in that regard, but please don't suggest that serious researchers should use a Vampire FPGA in its current state for anything beyond Amiga gaming and some light office work. That's just insulting to a lot of hard working scientists.

Roy Gillotti

Posts 521
02 Apr 2018 19:26


Stop being dense.

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
02 Apr 2018 19:31

Roy Gillotti wrote:

  Stop being dense.

Interesting that you're so childish that you now resort to name-calling.  I won't waste any more words on you since you seem to determined to remain ignorant.  Enjoy your bliss.

Roy Gillotti

Posts 521
02 Apr 2018 19:34


Roger Andre Lassen

Posts 150
02 Apr 2018 19:39

Roy, leave it alone. Its not worth it. He¨ll soon leave (i hope).

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