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Arnes Amiga Assembly Course 011

Arne von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 65
11 Jul 2021 15:15

Greetings im Arne ,
I'm 14 years old and I love coding in 68080 assembly.
I like to show you a Lissajous.
I hope you like it!

If you like to try it:


Björn 1200

Posts 19
11 Jul 2021 17:41

Hi Arne,
  ich finde Deine Schritte im Coding überragend. Deine Videos haben mich motiviert (quasi einen Funken in mir gezündet), mit dem Coding in Assembler auf meiner V1200 starten zu wollen, und zwar mit dem Wissen bei quasi Null anfangend. Ich hatte lediglich als Kind Ende der 1980er auf meinem C64 Basic Programme nach Anleitungen geschrieben. Nur alle Details hatte ich damals auch nicht verstanden :-). Später habe ich kleine Datenbanken mit Access geschrieben.
  Ich frage mich nun also ob Du mir oder gerne auch sonst jemand hier im Forum einen Rat geben kannst/kann, wie ich als Anfänger richtig starte, bzw. wo ich die richtigen Infos bzgl. der Assembler-Befehle passend zu 68k und speziell 86080 lernen kann.
  Mir geht es also um den Aufbau der Sprache und die richtigen "Wörter" passend zu unseren 68k-CPUs und im Speziellen den 68080.
  Momentan weiß ich nicht so richtig, von wo aus ich meinen Weg starten soll, um die 'richtigen' Skills zu bekommen. Ich konnte einige Tutorials auf YT finden. Jedoch schien keines davon von 68k Systemen zu handeln und absolute Beginner wie mich anzusprechen.
  Beste Grüße, Björn
  Here additional in English for our friends worldwide:
  Hi Arne,
  great to see your footsteps into coding. Your videos motivated me wanting to start coding with assembler on my V1200 with knowledge from scratch at all (just wrote basic programs on my C64 in late 80s - and even that I did not really understand completely:-) ).
  So I would like to know if you or any further tough guys here in the forum could give me advise how to start at all. Where can I get the right informations about Assembler commands relatet to 68k and especially to 68080.
  So I need to learn the structure of this language and the right "words" communicating with our 68k CPUs and especially our 68080. Currently I don't know where on the lane I would have to start best, to get the right skills. There are a few or many(point of view) tutorials on YT. But no one of those I found, seemed to point on 68k systems and speak to absolute beginners like me.
  Best regards, Björn
  P.S.: To whom it may interest - sorry for my gruff English :-)

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6254
12 Jul 2021 07:42

As Arne is in school right now, maybe I can answer.

Björn 1200 wrote:

Deine Videos haben mich motiviert

Hallo Björn,
Das ist toll und freut mich zu hören.
Meiner Meinung nach ist 68K die perfekte CPU zum programmieren zu lernen. Wir wollen in unseren Online channel demnächst live Programmierkurse geben. Vielleicht wäre das ja was für Dich.

Björn 1200

Posts 19
12 Jul 2021 18:19

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

As Arne is in school right now, maybe I can answer.
Björn 1200 wrote:

  Deine Videos haben mich motiviert

  Hallo Björn,
  Das ist toll und freut mich zu hören.
  Meiner Meinung nach ist 68K die perfekte CPU zum programmieren zu lernen. Wir wollen in unseren Online channel demnächst live Programmierkurse geben. Vielleicht wäre das ja was für Dich.

Hi Gunnar,

das fände ich sensationell! :-) Auf Discord? Bin auf jeden Fall mit dabei.

Paul K

Posts 13
13 Jul 2021 11:36

This is great, I'd definitely be interested in that. 

Arne, thank you for the video, I look forward to trying this out.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6254
13 Jul 2021 12:22

Regarding the ASM online course.
Can you please tell us what topic does interest you most.
Then we can prepare a lesson for it.

Paul K

Posts 13
13 Jul 2021 13:52

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

  Regarding the ASM online course.
  Can you please tell us what topic does interest you most.
  Then we can prepare a lesson for it.

  I think begin with a basic lesson with what asm software is needed and any special setup that is required followed by a simple "Hello World" tutorial.
  Everyone has different levels of experience I suppose.  Personally I have done a little Z80 assembly for the ZX Spectrum but nothing major. 
  This could be followed by a "how to" on writing a nice and traditional scrolling demo, perhaps with Starfield and moving text and or vector graphics.  That would be something I'd like to learn. 
  I find the biggest obstacle is what software to use and to get it working.  I'd like to do this directly on the Amiga rather than to use a PC based tool chain.  There are already online tutorials for setting up a PC based tool chain I think.
Comments in the code help newcomers a lot.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6254
13 Jul 2021 16:17

Paul K wrote:

I find the biggest obstacle is what software to use and to get it working.

ApolloOS comes pre-installed with all software you need.
One option option for coding is using ASMONE, which is preinstalled on ApolloOS.

Paul K

Posts 13
13 Jul 2021 16:27

Thanks, I have yet to explore the development tools in ApolloOS.  I just got it up and running last night.  I have SAS/C which I tried on my WINUAE setup and I recently bought StormC 4 which I have not tried yet. I believe it has an asm component to it. First I'll try the one you mention that's included.

Björn 1200

Posts 19
13 Jul 2021 18:55

Well, I would also prefer basics about software, basic structure of the language and a few simple examples. Is ApolloOS meanwhile applicable on the V1200 V2? If not, I might use Coffin R58. There is ASMOne 1.48 and 1.49-RC2 installed.

Andi Friede

Posts 10
13 Jul 2021 21:15

Björn 1200 wrote:

Well, I would also prefer basics about software, basic structure of the language and a few simple examples. Is ApolloOS meanwhile applicable on the V1200 V2? If not, I might use Coffin R58. There is ASMOne 1.48 and 1.49-RC2 installed.

Hello dear Vampire/Amiga lovers.

Maybe you will find this helpful: EXTERNAL LINK 
It's imho a very good start to get into 68k assembly programming.
With the 68080 you can do for sure a Lot more but this may provide
You with the basics of coding in asm on 680xx based systems.

And I am looking forward to learning the vampire specific stuff
Here from Arne and the whole Apollo Team.

Thank you sooooooo much for making my dreams come true with Apollo/Vampire.

Only Amiga makes it possible!

Paul K

Posts 13
13 Jul 2021 22:16

Hi Andy, thanks for the link. 
I found ASMone and it looks just what I need. Lots more reading to do then to try it out.

Andi Friede

Posts 10
14 Jul 2021 00:03

Your Welcome Paul -:)

And Here is an additional link to go Amiga sprcific:
Have a Lot of fun !

posts 13