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Amitari FreeMiNTpage  1 2 

Stefan Niestegge

Posts 33
30 Sep 2017 17:57

  today i present you a small distribution of FreeMiNT for the Amiga
  with Vampire upgrade.
  It consist of two files to dowload, an CF card image with the FreeMiNT
  installation, and a floppy image with EmuTOS.
  I put the files along with a readme on Google drive and made
  a short link for it.
  Version 0.1 is now online, its the first official release.
  Kudos to Vincent Riviere, who made EmuTOS Amiga-compatible
  and also wrote the SAGA driver for fVDI.
  Without that work, this release wouldn't have been possible
  Best regards, please discuss questions here or reply
  to beetle(at)atari(dot)org
  Stefan "Beetle" Niestegge

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
30 Sep 2017 18:49

Thank you Stephen!

Vampire becomes Amitari!

Just few questions:

a) Is there alternate boot plan, since Vamp Standalones wont have floppy (USB, HDD, SDCard boot)

b) Can SDCard image be spanned to HDD?

c)Is there a list of AtariTOS compatibile apps/games with FreeMINT?

Stefan Niestegge

Posts 33
30 Sep 2017 19:16

Hi Vojin

0) my name is Stefan

a) Standalones will come with Gold 3 i guess, and can map EmuTOS ROM, instead of booting it from floppy

b) what SD card image? Its a CF card image, put it into CF reader connected to Amiga/Vampire IDE port

c) there are two GEM games on the image, that work, only clean GEM apps will work, of course. I put clicks and landmine on it. Landmine has an issue, i hope i can iron it out. There is also Ballerburg, which runs on pure EmuTOS, but not Vampire SAGA.

A list of working software is a good idea. I will start one and put it online.

Vincent Rivière

Posts 87
30 Sep 2017 20:09

Excellent work, Stefan! It works out of the box :D

Philippe Flype
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 299
01 Oct 2017 00:07

Very good, guys! Thanks.

Sebastian Blanco

Posts 148
01 Oct 2017 01:18

cool going to try this

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
01 Oct 2017 11:15

Stefan Niestegg wrote:
  0) my name is Stefan

  My bad, which is weird since name exists in Slavic languages, including mine (e.g. Stefan Nemanjic, Stefan Milenkovic).
  Thanks, STEFAN!
Stefan Niestegg wrote:
    a) Standalones will come with Gold 3 i guess, and can map EmuTOS ROM, instead of booting it from floppy 

  Great! That is big step towards Vampire as "68k mother" where I hope we can achieve some kind of ability to e.g. boot EmuTOS (Atari) and minimal Fusion+MacOS classic (ClassicMac) and AROS 68k beside AmigaOS. I believe this would attract some more people, if implemented.
  Virtues of MapROM, SDCard boot once implemented or even some tools like e.g. EXTERNAL LINK could help in these.
Stefan Niestegg wrote:
  b) what SD card image? Its a CF card image, put it into CF reader connected to Amiga/Vampire IDE port 

  I see. Abit bad since Vamps IDE port is important for speed, and will be even more on standalone. I see clean parition is basically FAT16 so I hope Vampire dual ROM image coming on v4 could be tweaked, so finally we could boot from FAT16/FAT32 partitions. That and MapROM I suppose COULD make it instantly HDD bootable?
Stefan Niestegg wrote:
A list of working software is a good idea. I will start one and put it online.

  Thanks! Like ApolloOS its best our image grows with working apps only. I see its early 0.10 release, hope to see 1.00 one day!
  Hope once above prerequisites are done, we could have it bootable and on SD/HDD or as simple LHA/ZIP archive that needs a FAT16/FAT32/EXT2 partition.

OneSTone O2o

Posts 159
03 Oct 2017 12:29

Some tipps:

Besides graphical issues, the software on an Amiga running Mint should not use, as the hardware is different:

- midi
- sound
- Falcon 56K1 DSP
- direct disc access (like some format utilities and discmonitors do)
- direct parallel/serial port access (like some special drivers do)
- does not use hardware fpu, as long as Apollo core has none
- does not use 68030like PMMU, as long as Apollo core has none

The best chances you have, when you try clean GEM software which runs on TT, Falcon and Firebee, plus it must behave clean regarding the above list. This could change if Apollo team diligenty includes ST/TT/Falcon hardware into their SAGA chipset.

So until then no ATARI games and demos, no Cubase, no Midi-Maze.

The other way arround would be Firebee optimized applications as they may use some special Coldfire assembly instructions. But usually there is also an 68030/40 version of that software available.

Here you have a Firebee software compatibility list, I think it's the best to start your compatibility tests with these.

(You can ignore the Midi stuff there, as of above list it's useless on an atariazed Amiga. Get the original machine. )

Javier R. Santurde

Posts 16
03 Oct 2017 12:39

Whats the problem with midi? I have various Amigas using midi. Perhaps a wrap of camd.Libray or something can be done.

OneSTone O2o

Posts 159
03 Oct 2017 13:22

Does the Amiga Midi interface base on Motorola 6850 ACIA chip at base adress $FFFC04 with a 500 kHz clock ???

If yes, then go ahead. If not, forget.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6255
03 Oct 2017 13:39

oneSTone o2o wrote:

Does the Amiga Midi interface base on Motorola 6850 ACIA chip at base adress $FFFC04 with a 500 kHz clock ???
  If yes, then go ahead. If not, forget.

But this could be very easily put into chipset and put out on VAMP GPIO

Aksel Andersen

Posts 120
03 Oct 2017 15:19

Very nice.. :) going to test tonight.


OneSTone O2o

Posts 159
03 Oct 2017 19:36

Aksel Andersen wrote:

Very nice.. :) going to test tonight.

You can take the Profibuch and walk through all hardware adresses of ST series computers and implement these. To get good timing, what is very essential for Midi, you also need to include the 68901 MFP.

Continue that way, chip by chip and you are on a good way to get more compatibiliy as Firebee does.

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
03 Oct 2017 19:58

oneSTone o2o wrote:

    Continue that way, chip by chip and you are on a good way to get more compatibiliy as Firebee does.

  On a longer route, once v3 core is done, Motorola MMU too, would love to see extra space in v4 used to get better Atari and MacOS Classic out of box compatibility, so Vamp becomes real 16/32-bit reincarnation. Also adding ability to boot/r/w FAT16/FAT32 is a must.
  Any hope for Calmus on current FreeMINT on Vamp?

OneSTone O2o

Posts 159
03 Oct 2017 20:18

Calamus should work, except if it uses FPU, what could be sensefull for vector calculations. (It's not working on Firebee because of processor, but runs nice on a Falcon with 68060) You can download the latest version Calamus 2015 from calamus.net, there is a free demo. (there is Windows, Mac and Atari version, but basically they are all Atari versions, running in seamless embedded emulation environement.) New Calamus needs graphics mode with 256 colors or truecolor.

You also can try Photoline, the ATARI version is now freeware. Photoline is a kind of Photoshop/Gimp, for Windows/Mac there is still a commercial version, you may know this. EXTERNAL LINK

Stefan Niestegge

Posts 33
11 Oct 2017 14:25

Just to keep you up to date, i just released 0.11 of Amitari FreeMiNT. The image files are uploading right now. This time you can choose between a lean GEM only and a full blown FreeMiNT setup.

Download at same location as in intial posting.

Screenshot here: EXTERNAL LINK

Vojin Vidanovic

Posts 770
11 Oct 2017 16:09

Stefan Niestegge wrote:

Just to keep you up to date, i just released 0.11 of Amitari FreeMiNT. The image files are uploading right now. This time you can choose between a lean GEM only and a full blown FreeMiNT setup.

Very nice, that AmiTari is starting to look better and better!

Keep the good work, who needs Hatari :-)

Vincent Rivière

Posts 87
11 Oct 2017 21:14

Great work, Stefan!

This is exactly the way to go. As most FreeMiNT software aims to only do clean OS calls and avoid direct hardware access, there is very high probability they work out of the box on Amitari. Your screenshot is the proof: only Atari binaries, nothing recompiled specifically for Amiga (except underlying EmuTOS and fVDI driver).

Key of success is: a compatible CPU. What Apollo 68080 is!

Gregthe Canuck

Posts 274
12 Oct 2017 01:18

Stefan -

Although I am not an Atari user it is very cool indeed to see the capabilities of the Vampire being expanded in this direction.

Who knows... you could influence a lot of ex-Atarians with this setup. :)


Kresimir Lukin

Posts 65
12 Oct 2017 04:07

This screenshot of Armitari looks like old day unix/linux

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