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I Need Vampire Core 3 Driver for My Amiga 600page  1 2 

Zeki Kocatürk

Posts 2
31 Dec 2019 12:45

I have vampire 600 card (accelerator). I've been waiting for Core 3.
Have you a Beta core 3 or stable relaise for me???

I wait over one Jear for a new relaise.

I will play some AGA games.

Many thanks

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
31 Dec 2019 12:49

No, only alpha with severe limits.

Be aware of restrictions, compared to GOLD 2.11

You can always come back to 2.x by a FPGA reflash.

Zeki Kocatürk

Posts 2
31 Dec 2019 12:56

No update has been released for over a year. The standalone version has been released. but where is core 3???

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
31 Dec 2019 13:28

Zeki Kocatürk wrote:

  No update has been released for over a year. The standalone version has been released. but where is core 3???

  V4SA and V1200 cores need love right now.
Understand that team is limited and that while V2 has been testbed for AGA, it has been developed to launch v4.
  2.12 is next V2 release. After that.

Sean Sk

Posts 488
31 Dec 2019 14:18

Zeki Kocatürk wrote:

I wait over one Jear for a new relaise.

You're going to have to wait longer I'm afraid. How long? No one knows. In the meantime, have fun with what you've got already.

James Leadbeater
(Needs Verification)
Posts 12/ 1
31 Dec 2019 15:10

yea good luck with core3 I braught a vampire2 thinking out of the box it could do AGA becasue of the videos on youtube I was wrong. Its back in its box I wont buy another vampire product i feel ripped off.

Ronnie Beck
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 199
31 Dec 2019 16:06

james leadbeater wrote:

yea good luck with core3 I braught a vampire2 thinking out of the box it could do AGA becasue of the videos on youtube I was wrong. Its back in its box I wont buy another vampire product i feel ripped off.

I am sorry to hear about your dissapointment.  Truth be told, the AGA core was ALWAYS written as a feature that would come later.  The Core 3 release until now is a development preview and is clearly labeled as such.  The Team had been clear in many posts that goal of bringing AGA to the Vampire 2 (for the A500 and A600) was in the future.  After the V4 was matured.

The product information (see the product tab) NEVER at any time promised AGA as a standard feature.  You must read carefully the product description before buying.  This applies to anything you commit your hard earned cash to.  Trusting YouTube videos over the official product information wasn't a wise move there.  And I am sorry to say this, but you have only yourself to blame here.

Roy Gillotti

Posts 517
31 Dec 2019 18:52

Gunnar has always stated, buy the vampire for the features it has now, not what it could have.

AGA wasn't even claimed to be a future feature when I bought mine, but neither was the FPU.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
01 Jan 2020 00:21

james leadbeater wrote:

yea good luck with core3 I braught a vampire2 thinking out of the box it could do AGA becasue of the videos on youtube I was wrong. Its back in its box I wont buy another vampire product i feel ripped off.

Videos clearly stated its test core.

You Can run same games as in videos with alpha core.

Amiga 4Life

Posts 102
01 Jan 2020 01:11

Thank you for the updates and answering questions...

Adam A

Posts 130
01 Jan 2020 04:46

I bought my Vampire V2.2 A500 and v2.1 A600 for its features, even if it did not support AGA, its still a good accelerator compared to what accelerators go for these days, + its fpga you may still get hardware upgrades and thats the case with the vampire i beleive,  3.0 was never a feature at release, it came along later.

and if you feel ripped off, you can still sell your vampire for the same price you bought, its out of stock everywhere, and probably it will get sold for even more than what you paid for, well thats the case with eBay these days

Igor Majstorovic
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 409
01 Jan 2020 13:53

james leadbeater wrote:

yea good luck with core3 I braught a vampire2 thinking out of the box it could do AGA becasue of the videos on youtube I was wrong. Its back in its box I wont buy another vampire product i feel ripped off.

Don't you think that words like "I feel ripped off" are a bit strong or harsh. This reminds me to discussion with my friend and youtube video about I7-7700K at 7GHz. What I don't understand is, why didn't you return the card and request for money refund, if you get card from me or from some official shops who are supporting our products. Under EU rules, who protect traders and buyers, trader must describe exactly what he sells, and that's what we did on number of places. We didn't violate anything there. In case that we violated something it is our duty to repair, replace or partially refund. But, not even that is the problem. Under EU laws and various trading agreements even with non EU countries, like CEFTA, every buyer have opportunity to return product WITHOUT justification, WITHOUT any explanation to the seller within 8 or under EU laws within 14 days after receiving product from something like online sale is. As I don't even see your name on our ordering list I must conclude that you got the card from some Amiga shop or maybe, some other place that is not officially supported by our team.   

David Wright

Posts 373
01 Jan 2020 14:35

Don’t let these few negative comments get to you Igor. Actually, a few people are probably not that upset but disappointed they can’t  have it all. At least right now.

Igor Majstorovic
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 409
01 Jan 2020 15:39

I m not against negative comments I welcome them as a motivation to improve whatever we do here. Another thing is saying that you feel ripped off when you had several options. I had to explain because in past few years I took and repaired lot of cards with guarantee expired long time ago, also cards who were damaged in so many ways that any guarantee won't cover that. Same time never took any money for those repairs, not even for shipping. Anyone who had some problem and communicated with me over mail knows that. He could just do the same and send me mail saying I m not happy with something and I would, like I always do, help him in his best interest. Hope that my explanation helps.

Adam Whittaker
(Needs Verification)
Posts 270/ 1
01 Jan 2020 16:21

james leadbeater wrote:

yea good luck with core3 I braught a vampire2 thinking out of the box it could do AGA becasue of the videos on youtube I was wrong. Its back in its box I wont buy another vampire product i feel ripped off.

That's a bit harsh? I could understand maybe a little dissatisfied but not what you have said! Yes the waters are a little muddy with all the youtube vids but all it takes is a little reading on here and you would have know what was what... seriously not cool.

Name ELahrairah

Posts 11
01 Jan 2020 16:23

Apollo products have an excellent reputation. I'm on the waiting list for 2 of them, the 500 and the 1200. I read every bit of OFFICIAL information I could find. I watched the videos from the guru meditation Youtube channel where the cards and technology was explained in FULL DETAIL. And with all this information, and positive customer reviews on various websites I made the decision to go for two of these cards because I believe in the team behind their development. I want to support them with my hard earned money because I'm in it for the long run. As an Amiga enthousiast I'm so happy with the work they do. Imagine how many Amiga's are getting a second life now. With 40/60 accelerator cards going for over 1000 Euro's, many were not that keen to start their old Miggy hobby again. But here I am. These Vampire cards give a good reason to make a killer Amiga setup, with the modern conveniences. ;)

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
01 Jan 2020 17:36

There's no way to satisfy everyone. It's just not possible,especially when someone misread specifications. But that's not Igor's fault. The great thing is (and is a testament to his stellar trackrecord in Amiga accelerators) they can sell their vampire on Ebay at a higher price than the price they paid to acquire them. Just because people want these cards so badly!! (and be sure there's a reason for that).

Knight Stone
(Needs Verification)
Posts 136/ 1
01 Jan 2020 17:48

Ronnie Beck wrote:

james leadbeater wrote:

  yea good luck with core3 I braught a vampire2 thinking out of the box it could do AGA becasue of the videos on youtube I was wrong. Its back in its box I wont buy another vampire product i feel ripped off.

  I am sorry to hear about your dissapointment.  Truth be told, the AGA core was ALWAYS written as a feature that would come later.  The Core 3 release until now is a development preview and is clearly labeled as such.  The Team had been clear in many posts that goal of bringing AGA to the Vampire 2 (for the A500 and A600) was in the future.  After the V4 was matured.
  The product information (see the product tab) NEVER at any time promised AGA as a standard feature.  You must read carefully the product description before buying.  This applies to anything you commit your hard earned cash to.  Trusting YouTube videos over the official product information wasn't a wise move there.  And I am sorry to say this, but you have only yourself to blame here.

That's really harsh Ronnie, telling someone who has bought your product that, "they only have themselves to blame?"

No one officially said AGA was coming for the V2, but to say you shouldn't have bought it for that reason? we had several reveals, screenshots, and WIP reports on the AGA implementation, it was discussed at length by both the Apollo team on here, and by users, so although no one *actually* said it was coming, you've certainly done enough work on it, and spoken about it often enough in the past, for anyone to reasonably assume it was on the road map.

it's obvious there are some very smart people there, doing create work, but what some of you have in the brains department, some of you lack severely in "talking to your customers" department.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
01 Jan 2020 18:06

Knight Stone wrote:

  That's really harsh Ronnie, telling someone who has bought your product that, "they only have themselves to blame?"

  Ronnie is 100% spot on and correct here.
  We always and clearly said the same since the day one:
  "People shall only buy the card if they are content and happy with the features the card has today".
Knight Stone wrote:

you've certainly done enough work on it, and spoken about it often enough in the past, for anyone to reasonably assume it was on the road map.

It is on the roadmap.
But please mind that our Roadmap spans about 20 years.

Developing a high end CPU is a really big project.
We work on the 68080 Core since 12 years - constantly every day!
We have many goals and we work on them hard.

We work on AGA
We work on USB Controller
We work on Network Chip
We work on a 3D Core

We do a lot and all of this are really big tasks.
We do not expect that each of you can estimate the time needed for the tasks.
And this is why we always clearly say:
Please buy the card for the feature it has now.
Not for the features we might add next year, or in 5 years.

Michael Borrmann

Posts 140
01 Jan 2020 21:11

By just reading here from time to time I am completely aware that the AGA core for the V2 cards is some future milestone that wasn't even promised at the beginning of the project.

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