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Q's About V1200page  1 2 3 

Smartroad 78

Posts 116
20 Nov 2019 09:15

I was looking at Majsta's blog and have been thinking about the Vampire 1200 and it's expansions.

With the IDE port on the V1200, can you still use the A1200's built in IDE connection? Would that allow for two drives to be installed?

What are the other 10pin ports for? If for external use, does anyone have thoughts on how they will reach outside the Amiga all together? There is the rear trapdoor opening, but it probably only would take one port.

Sorry if I am jumping the gun here, but looking at the blog it got me thinking :D

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
20 Nov 2019 09:37

smartroad 78 wrote:

With the IDE port on the V1200, can you still use the A1200's built in IDE connection? Would that allow for two drives to be installed?

Today the faster new IDE does replace the old slow one.
MAYBE in the future both will run in parallel. No promise now.

smartroad 78 wrote:

What are the other 10pin ports for?

Its an Expansion port for Ethernet Module.
You can use it to inexpensively get fast Internet Access.

Kyle Blake
(Needs Verification)
Posts 108/ 1
20 Nov 2019 11:09

I was wondering about the IDE too, i'm glad that's cleared up.
Is the PCMCIA still working?

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
20 Nov 2019 12:24

On a600 with v2 pcmcia works fine, same should be for v1200

Smartroad 78

Posts 116
21 Nov 2019 14:45

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

  Today the faster new IDE does replace the old slow one.
  MAYBE in the future both will run in parallel. No promise now.

Would be awesome if they could work together would make having 2 HDD's in an A1200 easier :D

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
21 Nov 2019 14:59

smartroad 78 wrote:

Would be awesome if they could work together would make having 2 HDD's in an A1200 easier :D

But HDD are slow, noisy, and eat lot of power.
And maybe 2 HDD will create a power challenge to the A1200 PSU?
And overload PSU will make system unstable.

Personally, I find a CF flash disk much better.
CF gives huge amount of space. Its very fast, and has no noise.

Kyle Blake
(Needs Verification)
Posts 108/ 1
21 Nov 2019 15:24

Personally I like the idea of internal hard drive. My 1200 is in a checkmate case, with strange SFX size PSU good quality one is 450W or bigger. I feel uncomfortable with my system using only 25W way outside PSU's intended normal load.
  So for me I can throw in a spare old 1TB drive or two, have whole of aminet hosted locally, and use my spare amperes. I think I'll need that space when vampire gives me performance for MP3 playback, for example. I already half filled the typical 4GB CF just with software and documents. Amiga is a very serious tool for me, even with only an 030.
  What I'm interested about is what vampire IDE supports in terms of PIO modes, or DMA or whatever latter day IDE standards there are. My system right now is all PIO5 drives on FastATA MK5.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
21 Nov 2019 15:50

Kyle Blake wrote:

What I'm interested about is what vampire IDE supports in terms of PIO modes, or DMA or whatever latter day IDE standards there are. My system right now is all PIO5 drives on FastATA MK5.

Vampire: depending on drive  11MB/sec to 18 MB/sec

What do you get today?

Kyle Blake
(Needs Verification)
Posts 108/ 1
21 Nov 2019 16:41

On CF card (Forgot brand): 9.1MB/sec
    On Philips CDRW: 2.7MB/sec
    This is with ACA1233n at 40Mhz. When I had BlizzardPPC 060 it was a lot worse than that and very disappointing, some 5MB/sec on CF card with FastATA board installed.
    In newest production of 1233n Jens has done something to get faster performance from A1200 IDE, I have no idea what he did, but he claims max theoretical of 11MB/sec, 4.5MB/sec real world with CF card. But he also warns about corruption, so I won't upgrade to try it.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
21 Nov 2019 16:43

Kyle Blake wrote:

4.5MB/sec real world with CF card. But he also warns about corruption.

Vampire gets real world 11-18 MB

Smartroad 78

Posts 116
21 Nov 2019 21:23

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

  But HDD are slow, noisy, and eat lot of power.
  And maybe 2 HDD will create a power challenge to the A1200 PSU?
  And overload PSU will make system unstable.
  Personally, I find a CF flash disk much better.
  CF gives huge amount of space. Its very fast, and has no noise.

By hard drive I just mean it as a generic term for mass storage, regardless of the actual physical medium ;)

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
22 Nov 2019 01:58

smartroad 78 wrote:

    By hard drive I just mean it as a generic term for mass storage, regardless of the actual physical medium ;)

  For SYS:
    a) Use CF2IDE adapter and fast CF card 18MB fast in transfer
    b) Use directly connected to Vamp fast IDE devices (Something like large last IDEs with RPM and caches or PATA2EIDE SSDs.)
  PLUS use 18MB/s SD card for mass storage.
    With vcontrol you can experiment with speeds.
    Seems CD ROM kills the joy, which sadness me (slows down IDE) so prepare your ISO files.
    USB Mass Storage on V4 is currently no-go. On v2 seems Rys MKII USB adapter can be used, but again its kb/mouse, dont see it as USB Mass Storage adapter.

Current v1200 almost blank page >:)

Vampire 1200

Accelerator board with record-breaking speed and unrivalled features. Not yet released. Work in progress.

Target: Amiga 1200 (connects to the trapdoor expansion slot)
Designer: Majsta
Manufacturer: Majsta
Release Date: 2020
Work in progress.


Ronnie Beck
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 199
22 Nov 2019 09:13

Kyle Blake wrote:

    In newest production of 1233n Jens has done something to get faster performance from A1200 IDE, I have no idea what he did, but he claims max theoretical of 11MB/sec, 4.5MB/sec real world with CF card. But he also warns about corruption, so I won't upgrade to try it.

I don't know what Jen's could do to improve the performance.  Did he really improve it or was the improvement courtesy of the 55Mhz 030 CPU?  I have a newer 1233n 55Mhz accelerator.  With a SANDISK CF card I get ~4.6Mb/s.  That same card in the V2 I get ~6.5Mb/s.  On the V4, again with the same card, I get 11Mb/s.

The Vampire boards always perform higher and much closer to their theoretical maximum.  I would happily give up the A1200 IDE port and use the Vampire's IDE exclusively.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
22 Nov 2019 09:41

Is the pcmcia working on the v1200?

Nixus Minimax

Posts 416
22 Nov 2019 09:57

Ronnie Beck wrote:
  I don't know what Jen's could do to improve the performance.

I guess he looked very closely at what the V600 did with the A600's internal IDE in some core revisions.

Kyle Blake
(Needs Verification)
Posts 108/ 1
22 Nov 2019 10:49

Ronnie Beck wrote:

Kyle Blake wrote:

      In newest production of 1233n Jens has done something to get faster performance from A1200 IDE, I have no idea what he did, but he claims max theoretical of 11MB/sec, 4.5MB/sec real world with CF card. But he also warns about corruption, so I won't upgrade to try it.

  I don't know what Jen's could do to improve the performance.  Did he really improve it or was the improvement courtesy of the 55Mhz 030 CPU?  I have a newer 1233n 55Mhz accelerator.  With a SANDISK CF card I get ~4.6Mb/s.  That same card in the V2 I get ~6.5Mb/s.  On the V4, again with the same card, I get 11Mb/s.
  The Vampire boards always perform higher and much closer to their theoretical maximum.  I would happily give up the A1200 IDE port and use the Vampire's IDE exclusively.

He definitely did something to it. An a1200 standard ide controller never gets much more than 2MB/sec, no matter what CPU. Also, only the very newest production of 1233n cards gives these faster speeds.

A1200 Coder

Posts 74
22 Nov 2019 11:42

Kyle Blake wrote:

Ronnie Beck wrote:

Kyle Blake wrote:

      In newest production of 1233n Jens has done something to get faster performance from A1200 IDE, I have no idea what he did, but he claims max theoretical of 11MB/sec, 4.5MB/sec real world with CF card. But he also warns about corruption, so I won't upgrade to try it.

  I don't know what Jen's could do to improve the performance.  Did he really improve it or was the improvement courtesy of the 55Mhz 030 CPU?  I have a newer 1233n 55Mhz accelerator.  With a SANDISK CF card I get ~4.6Mb/s.  That same card in the V2 I get ~6.5Mb/s.  On the V4, again with the same card, I get 11Mb/s.
  The Vampire boards always perform higher and much closer to their theoretical maximum.  I would happily give up the A1200 IDE port and use the Vampire's IDE exclusively.

  He definitely did something to it. An a1200 standard ide controller never gets much more than 2MB/sec, no matter what CPU. Also, only the very newest production of 1233n cards gives these faster speeds.

I'm getting around 1.5 MB/sec IDE speed with my Blizzard IV 68030-50 MHz.This is not a problem with e.g. 16 MB of RAM, as you load it full in just 10 seconds. More of a problem is if HDD is fragmented, or you have a lot of small files to load, then you won't reach even close the max speed.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
22 Nov 2019 11:51

Real world trouble of aos Is a lot of small files.
  That Is why Pata/ide SSD Is my solution. It wont reach more then 18mbs but will have great access and writter times

Kyle Blake
(Needs Verification)
Posts 108/ 1
22 Nov 2019 12:02

One thing that concerns me more than just max performance is only having one IDE connector. What I like about the FastATA product is has two, so I can have the CDROM without slowing down CF card.

Assuming Vampire IDE works by replacing scsi.device, it should be possible to disable it and use what the amiga already has?

Jamie Chapman

Posts 69
22 Nov 2019 12:33

I hope so because lots of people will have FastATA and this is  better solution, if you already have it 

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