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IndivisionECSv2 Hardware Not Foundpage  1 2 3 

Allan Versaevel

Posts 111
14 Jan 2019 20:42

            I just checked the wiki site for possible updates for the Indivision ECS v2 and noticed a new version that may fix the Vampire compatibility issue. Unfortunately I am not home to test it. Can someone else give this a try? I am curious. It is mentioned as Experimental, so make back ups :)
Use the link below:

Adam Whittaker
(Needs Verification)
Posts 270/ 1
15 Jan 2019 08:44

no it dosnt even run - giving me the error indivision not found.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
15 Jan 2019 11:18

Lord A1k wrote:

Answer from Jens from his Support Forum:
E-Mail from Jens to Gunnar:
I did send him an eMail a few days ago already. No answer yet.

To make this clear.
To be able to support the INDI better
getting the information which REGISTERS of the INDI defined in the DFFxxx range will help a lot.

Jens did NOT give us any info here yet.

Manfred Bergmann

Posts 235
15 Jan 2019 11:28

This seems to be a bit like chinese whispers.

If either want to solve the problem you should talk directly.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
15 Jan 2019 11:34

Manfred Bergmann wrote:

If either want to solve the problem you should talk directly.

Don't worry I've emailed him the question too.

I'm generally optimistic that we can find a solution.
When we know more about the register detail we can certainly figure a way to solve this.

Adam Whittaker
(Needs Verification)
Posts 270/ 1
15 Jan 2019 11:41

heres is a link to the post i was just looking myself


Mike Brantley

Posts 36
16 Jan 2019 01:19

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

  I'm generally optimistic that we can find a solution.
  When we know more about the register detail we can certainly figure a way to solve this.

It's awesome to hear that a solution may be possible. I use an Indivision ECS in my A500 with a Vampire. I want to keep the FPU function (for my LightWave) and keep my ECS chipset (for my DCTV and to use my Ikegami CRT monitor sometimes), and it's also nice to have the Invision and also the RTG digital to feed my Dell U2410. So I'm sticking to the core 2.x path on my little FrankenMiggy. Heh.

Allan Versaevel

Posts 111
16 Jan 2019 19:43

Version 1.7 has been made available on the Indivision ECS V2 web site... success? It's hard to say since there appears to be no history comments on these revisions. I wish I was home to test this :(

Adam Whittaker
(Needs Verification)
Posts 270/ 1
16 Jan 2019 19:53

ok i have just been testing and it looks like some progress has been made - just not enough yet... I am now able to run the flash tool and update the indivisons firware from the comfort of my coffin os :P but the settings program still displays the error and if you click test on any of the screenmodes it just freezes the poor old miggy !!! I am using a Indivison V1 would this make any difference? or is the software suitable for Indi V1 and 2 a like?

Lord A1k

Posts 53
17 Jan 2019 10:40

This is for the Indi-ECSV2 not for IndiECS V1

Adam Whittaker
(Needs Verification)
Posts 270/ 1
18 Jan 2019 00:44

well whats the point in that then? most of us have indivision v1 god this sucks and is pissing me off to be honest!!!

Manfred Bergmann

Posts 235
18 Jan 2019 07:27

Give it some time.
Maybe both apps share a little bit of code, maybe none.
Once it's sorted out how it works with registers and such I'm betting on a new version of software for v1, too.

Nixus Minimax

Posts 416
18 Jan 2019 08:01

Adam Whittaker wrote:

well whats the point in that then? most of us have indivision v1 god this sucks and is pissing me off to be honest!!!

Probably Jens wants to give you a good reason to buy some more gear from him...

Lord A1k

Posts 53
18 Jan 2019 10:28

I see here no Problem, the IndiECSv1 is a discontinued product.
Tool is for new Indi and finish.
i mean it's nice if something else comes, but you can not presuppose that

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
18 Jan 2019 10:51

Snooping at the INDI driver I believe to see Register ACCESS to
This does not match the information, that we got so far about the Indi.
A more complete information about the INDI registers needs to be provided.
Also differences between INDI1 INDI2 registers should be pointed out - if there are any. As it makes sense to support owners of old cards too.

Nixus Minimax

Posts 416
18 Jan 2019 13:47

Lord A1k wrote:

  I see here no Problem, the IndiECSv1 is a discontinued product.
  Tool is for new Indi and finish.

  I see no problem in NOT supporting the Indi V2. After all, the incompatibility has always been made clear from the start so people have always known that (all) Indivisions don't work with the Vampire. The V1, on the other hand, was bought by most long before there ever was a Vampire and it makes much more sense to support that.
  Furthermore, I would consider it a bad idea if the Apollo Team supported Jens in selling his new (then Vampire compatible) stuff while maintaining the incompatibility with the old version. It speaks volumes that Jens only transmitted information about his new version. That is no coincidence.

Allan Versaevel

Posts 111
18 Jan 2019 14:08

We really need to band together. Support for new and old products are always desirable. Having collaboration between Amiga developers is great. This is something that should be encouraged, not denounced.

Nixus Minimax

Posts 416
18 Jan 2019 14:19

Allan Versaevel wrote:

We really need to band together. Support for new and old products are always desirable. Having collaboration between Amiga developers is great. This is something that should be encouraged, not denounced.

So you are saying that Apollo Team should support the V2 and then reengineer the V1 because Jens accidentally only provided technical information about his new version and not the old one? I suppose he simply forgot how his old product works...

Allan Versaevel

Posts 111
18 Jan 2019 15:15

This is not what I said or implied, but I digress...

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6243
18 Jan 2019 15:23


please lets not finger point here.
We said we will look into ways to help people here, and we will do this.

But please understand that proper solution don't fall from the sky.
Development needs time,
proper testing needs time,
and obvious providing complete register list will also need more time.

So yes we want to help you here, but don't hold your breath now.

And please NOT put blame on Jens now.
He did not say he will not provide an updated driver for INDI1, did he?

We are just at the start of brainstorming ideas for this now.
So give us a little time please.

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