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Vampire 4 Standalonepage  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 

J Bilander

Posts 6
07 Mar 2019 12:10

The pcb gerber file can be exported to a step-file which in turn can be imported into DSM like this: EXTERNAL LINK 
If I can get a copy of a step-file (can be simplified with no traces and only with holes/marks for connectors on the sides) I think I can make a 3d model that will help a lot when designing a case with cutouts for connectors. Please let me know if the team can share such a step-file.

Christophe Prevotaux

Posts 2
09 Mar 2019 12:24

J Bilander wrote:

  The pcb gerber file can be exported to a step-file which in turn can be imported into DSM like this: EXTERNAL LINK   
  If I can get a copy of a step-file (can be simplified with no traces and only with holes/marks for connectors on the sides) I think I can make a 3d model that will help a lot when designing a case with cutouts for connectors. Please let me know if the team can share such a step-file.

  Just my 2 cents:
  Talking about the PCB design it would be nice for it to be done in KiCAD (open source) that has recently evolved quite a bit and can produce the 3D model you need. Maybe it is already the case, I have no idea of what is being used at the moment.

J Bilander

Posts 6
09 Mar 2019 16:04

Christophe Prevotaux wrote:

  Just my 2 cents:
  Talking about the PCB design it would be nice for it to be done in KiCAD (open source) that has recently evolved quite a bit and can produce the 3D model you need. Maybe it is already the case, I have no idea of what is being used at the moment.

I don't know either. Hopefully they used KiCAD or some other tool that can export the V4 PCB-design to a step-file preferably with components/connectors already placed out, then it would be really easy to import and do case design with correct dimensions of everything...if the team are willing to share such a file that is...

Michael Borrmann

Posts 140
13 Mar 2019 11:30

Maybe this is a stupid question, and not completely on topic, but will the V4 cards be able to run 2.x cores?

Roy Gillotti

Posts 517
13 Mar 2019 12:16

Michael Borrmann wrote:

  Maybe this is a stupid question, and not completely on topic, but will the V4 cards be able to run 2.x cores?

  It will likely not be able to run any of the V2 specific cores due to the differences in hardware.
  The V4 have a larger capacity FPGA, so likely the V4 core will have all the benefits AGA+RTG+FPU into one core.

Mike Kopack

Posts 268
16 Mar 2019 20:51

Wish we would get some new info... seemed for a while there it was a new video or two every week showing progress on the V4 standalone but lately it’s veen nothing. Hoping that means it’s real close to being ready to ship.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
16 Mar 2019 20:54

Michael Borrmann wrote:

      Maybe this is a stupid question, and not completely on topic, but will the V4 cards be able to run 2.x cores?

      There would be no need to. Its not exactly same FPGA so it might not be a wise idea, and V4 cores should integrate GOLD2.12 feats, GOLD3 feats + better FPU, more caches, higher clocked CPU, 512MB|of faster RAM thanks to more mature design and larger FPGA. Add LAN and USB and AmigaOS support for them out of box.
  Gladly, standalone is also a V4 model. Its quantum jump of ... well, like A500 to A1200, A2000 to A4000,A1000 to A3000 ... >:) Gladly, they do remain compatible in RTG, 080 instructions and AMMX so software made for one will work on other, nice.
Mike Kopack wrote:

      Hoping that means it’s real close to being ready to ship.

    I dont get it that way. I see it as In development and core testing and tweaking. When core is finalized and tested, production runs could go and then it can be ready to ship. I see it like 3-6 months from now, but would gladly be surprised to see it before.

Scott Hallett

Posts 1
19 Mar 2019 16:47

I’m really looking forward to the standalone version of the Vampire V4. I’m due to receive a Vampire SE A500 case and key caps from the indiegogo campaigns when they are ready and wondered if you guys could give me some info.

I don’t own a Amiga 500+, so if I wish to position my V4 within the Vampire SE case cradle and use the original Amiga keyboard I assume I’ll need to get a A500 plus for the keyboard components and keyboard pub then connect the keyboard to the V4 standalone.

Will it connect directly or will I need some sort of adapter.

I really know nothing about the internals of the Amiga so you may have to put it in layman’s terms

Thanks guys

John William

Posts 566
19 Mar 2019 16:55

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:


  You went out of your way and used that emoticon expression right after your sentence. I have couple of questions to ask. What does this expression mean in English term? What was where your feeling when using that expression? Can you send me please a gif emoticon picture of what it represent?
  I am curious why out of all the emoticon expressions you went out of your way and used this way to a point you had to use a special code to achieve such expression.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
19 Mar 2019 20:50

John William wrote:

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:


    You went out of your way and used that emoticon expression right after your sentence. I have couple of questions to ask. What does this expression mean in English term? What was where your feeling when using that expression? Can you send me please a gif emoticon picture of what it represent?

  Devilish smiley? Actually, should be a >:->
  Its not the feeling per se, as people are used to nowadays with emoticons, but rather that the comment / user was "devilish".
  Hereby, a nasty comparison of V2/V4 difference to OCS to AGA/ECS/better model comparison was a bit devilish, since not everyone would agree to it. V4 has  few nice and long waited enhancements to V2 and any Classic. USB and LAN are finally standard just as one example.
  Emoticon looks like a devil/smiley combo. I prefer non colored ones, like EXTERNAL LINK

Michael Borrmann

Posts 140
20 Mar 2019 06:47

Th reason why I am asking is a bit off topic in this thread. I am interested in the 1200 version of the V4, but I am not sure if I want to use RTG and shutdown the custom chips in my Amiga.
And since the 1200 already has AGA, I don't really need that.
So, the 2.x cores are of more interest for me.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
20 Mar 2019 13:36

  The v1200 will be surely able to load a v2-like core for people that want to continue to use the chipset of the 1200 and/or a v3-like core for people that want to have audio and aga over hdmi with recreated aga in fpga.
V4 standalone will obviously have only the v3-like core because will have to work without a classic amiga host..

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
20 Mar 2019 15:24

Stefano Briccolani wrote:

    The v1200 will be surely able to load a v2-like core for people

  V4 standalone will obviously have only the v3-like core because will have to work without a classic amiga host..

  Well, I dont get that sense ...
  a) V1200 based on V2 core by Majsta should use onboard AGA+GOLD 2.12 feats for now. Its still in testing. Should have the SAGA option with V2 GOLD3 core too ...
  b) Once V4 standalone core is done and V1200 on V4 core sees the light (not even announced really, but yet could be just V4+A1200 connector whereby Majsta now has the experience) there might be no need to use AGA at all. SAGA replacement should simply have it "all and faster" - blitter, mapping chip to fast RAM with DDR5 speeds, more chipram, more bitplanes ...
  c) V2 users are only one to face OCS+RTG vs SAGA only, no RTG choice due to FPGA constrains.
  Standalone does not need any Classic. That is why its a standalone. Its a non standard sized FPGA motherboard, a bit more complex then Classic V4 expansion cards.
  Out of V4 for Classics only V500 is kind of announced, as listed in products page.
  Hopefuly, V1200 and V600 models should come soon thanks to Majstas magic so far.
  So sequence could be:
  - Continuation of V2 models production as cheaper new low end for A500/A600 as well as GOLD3 and GOLD2.12 cores delivery (about here are we now)
  - V4 Standalone (current team focus)
  - V1200 by Majsta, V2 core (current Majstas work)
  - V500 V4 expansion card (listed on website)
  - V600 V4 expansion card (likely)
  - V1200/CD32 V4 expansion card (likely)
  - Solution to A3000 and A4000 connectors (hmm ...)
  Might not really that way to that would satisfy all, or not in that order, but that is all hinted for now.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
20 Mar 2019 17:45

Too many things Vojin..
For now we have tangible clues of existance of two new products from apollo team:
1-The v1200 by Majsta (in the legacy of v500-v600)
2-The v4 standalone that can work as a 500 accelerator as well for betatesting purposes (but I think will be targeted to standalone-only for the public).
If this 2 products will reach the market it will be a real big thing for amiga community.. and would be an incredible track record for apollo core developers and majsta as well..

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
20 Mar 2019 21:36

Stefano Briccolani wrote:

  Too many things Vojin..
    If this 2 products will reach the market it will be a real big thing for amiga community.. and would be an incredible track record for apollo core developers and majsta as well..

  Agreed. Standalone should lead the way of "Classic availiable again" and first non NG improved Amiga since A1200 ... as well, as  that V1200 is awaited too long.
  Jesus has some V4 500 :) EXTERNAL LINK   

Chris Sanz

Posts 25
21 Mar 2019 19:10

Would like too see Shogo download work on this.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
22 Mar 2019 13:33

Chris Sanz wrote:

Would like too see Shogo download work on this.

Sadly, unlike e.g. Freespace, Shogo is one of few games (Heretic II, Wipeout ...) that were only AmigaOS 3 PowerPC (WarpOS). So it cannot be run on 68k CPU incl. Vamp.

Simo Koivukoski
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 601
22 Mar 2019 18:29

EmuTOS supports now:

- FastIDE
- MapROM
- HW Mouse pointer


Neil Shacklady

Posts 29
22 Mar 2019 20:07

Hi.. I’m having quite an intense internal debate about whether to treat my beloved A1200 with a (hopefully) soon to be released Vampire v4 1200 or instead opt for the standalone version and leave my A1200 in its classic state.

What’s important to me in making this decision is understanding how the v4 would interact with the A1200’s chip set if I was going to go down that particular route.  I’ve viewed numerous YouTube videos and forums in an attempt to educate myself on how this amazing card works but some of the information out there seems conflicting - well… to me anyway.

So my questions is as follows:

Does the Vampire v4 override the host systems custom chip set in all scenarios?
i.e. would Alice, Gayle, Paula and Lisa be effectively made redundant as they’re overridden by the FPGA chip?

If so, for me personally, that would point me to getting the Vampire standalone.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6239
22 Mar 2019 20:31

Neil Shacklady wrote:

Does the Vampire v4 override the host systems custom chip set in all scenarios?
i.e. would Alice, Gayle, Paula and Lisa be effectively made redundant as they’re overridden by the FPGA chip?

We have 2 CORE versions for the Vampire cards:

GOLD 2.x
- includes the world fastest 68K CPU - 68080.
- includes FastIDE
- includes fast RTG video
- includes very fast Fastmem
- includes SDcard
- uses the old mainboard AMIGA chipset.

GOLD 3.x
- includes the world fastest 68K CPU - 68080.
- includes FastIDE
- includes fast RTG video
- includes very fast Fastmem
- includes SDcard
- includes AGA chipset in FPGA

So you have the choice

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