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Compatible Case for Amiga 500 & Pluspage  1 2 3 4 5 

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
24 Apr 2018 16:58

  On point 2 I think you confused the project checkmate that Roman was referring to (http://www.amigasystems.com) with the supposed "new amiga X" (that is effectively an emulator and possibly vapourware for what do we know). Checkmate project is very interesting and we surely need to support that kickstarter too, when time will come..

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
24 Apr 2018 18:02

Stefano Briccolani wrote:

    On point 2 I think you confused the project checkmate that Roman was referring to (http://www.amigasystems.com) with the supposed "new amiga X" (that is effectively an emulator and possibly vapourware for what do we know). Checkmate project is very interesting and we surely need to support that kickstarter too, when time will come..

Remark on "just the Pi case" does not fully refer to Checkmate case. However, Checkmate isnt yet kickstarting, and is certainly not so much Vampire oriented (supports DIGITAL-VIDEO out and few other things more thanks to Mist and Pi support then to real Vamp readiness). In the end, it suffers from similar problems to V4 Standalone at least as this one does and might be quite higher priced as I remember.

"Amiga X" might come to that frontend and something beyond, but certainly not to what they over optimistically promised first time, in "a bit of CUSA style".

Other point is having someone being able to produce A500 style cases again when needed (and usable with this and future Vamps). I myself consider a goal "too high", but again its on them (A1200.net) to make molds and all the promised products.

Eric Gus

Posts 478
24 Apr 2018 19:56

If I didnt have a lot of personal sentimental value with my A500 , and this specific A500 (my first amiga and I bought it new way back in 87) . I would be all over getting a new case, but this my A500 is a chickenlips case and I just can't really see myself re-casing it as the existing case is pristine has zero yellowing.

That said, I do hope they hit their goals and at least we have a source for new A500 shells..

Ameno Phis

Posts 21
25 Apr 2018 07:23

eric gus wrote:

.../... I would be all over getting a new case, but this my A500 is a chickenlips case and I just can't really see myself re-casing it as the existing case is pristine has zero yellowing.
  That said, I do hope they hit their goals and at least we have a source for new A500 shells..

I understand your point Eric,
Your main A500 has the chicken lips yes, but you could still support the campaign to get a second case now.  And source a mobo within the year prior your case delivery.

We need all Amigans to support this.
And those who backed the campaign already ALSO need your help. Because these guys wants the mods being done and they want their new case being delivered.

By supporting the campaign, you're not only getting a case.
You support the whole Amiga audience, and help to create new molds for the A500!

If we do not work all together on the same front, we won't get anything done.

Thank you for your support guys!

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

  Other point is having someone being able to produce A500 style cases again when needed (and usable with this and future Vamps). I myself consider a goal "too high", but again its on them (A1200.net) to make molds and all the promised products.

Hi Vojin,
thank you for your comment.

The goal isn't "too high".
It's the amount needed to:
- manufacture the molds
- produce cases
- ship cases to backers
with all costs integrated.

Without this amount, it wouldn't be possible to create the molds and deliver cases to you.  It's pretty simple in fact.

Understand that the "goal" you see DOES include the shipping fees as well!

Thank you for your support Vojin ;)

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
25 Apr 2018 08:57

ameno phis wrote:

  The goal isn't "too high".
  It's the amount needed to:
  - manufacture the molds
  - produce cases
  - ship cases to backers
  with all costs integrated.
  Without this amount, it wouldn't be possible to create the molds and deliver cases to you.  It's pretty simple in fact.
  Understand that the "goal" you see DOES include the shipping fees as well!
  Thank you for your support Vojin ;)

I am glad shipping fees are included. My support will materialize soon, but just to clarify - when I say its "too high" I dont mean it does not include realistic costs (after all you have to produce and ship all that is ordered) but that its sheer size is hard goal to reach. So, as you say, we really need everyone.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
25 Apr 2018 12:03

Dan Wood supports new a500 cases too..

Kresimir Lukin

Posts 65
25 Apr 2018 12:21

A1200 case had 840 supporters, this one 21 day until finish has only 346 supporters.
I expected that will be more supporters for this case as Amiga 500 is sold in bigger number than Amiga 1200, but looks like I was wrong.
Honestly I really wish this campaign to succeed, I supported it, and I hope that many will support it at last moment.

Ameno Phis

Posts 21
25 Apr 2018 12:33

The current campaign was launched on a 45 Days base.

>> 15 more days will be added by sunday.

This will boost the total length of current campaign to 60 Days total.

Thank you for your support guys.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
25 Apr 2018 15:21

Kresimir Lukin wrote:

    I expected that will be more supporters for this case as Amiga 500 is sold in bigger number than Amiga 1200, but looks like I was wrong. 

  While A500 is best-selling-Amiga (that made Amiga name at homes)
  seems people have moved on to ECS/AGA machines (and beyond) and there arent that much A500 in use. 
Kresimir Lukin wrote:

    Honestly I really wish this campaign to succeed, I supported it, and I hope that many will support it at last moment.

  Me too, however its not only for A500 preservation purpose, I really loved and was amazed that they have found such simple solutions to Vampire users problems.
Stefano Briccolani wrote:

  Dan Wood supports new a500 cases too..

  Thanks Dan. Great review and summary as usual.

In the comments I have found a golden news. If we back the case up, A1200.net will do the keyboard too. Making it near to future standalone case.

Baka Kafka
8 hours ago
The Vampire fpga thing sounds interesting. Since I no longer have an original Amiga and decent used ones are a bit pricey (considering the chips might be bad). Now if instead of just the key caps they'd make available an entire new keyboard, I'd sign up. Fat chance, I know. Hope you make your Indiegogo goal!
A1200 NET
A1200 NET
5 hours ago
A new keyboard compatible with Amiga 500/1200/2000/3000/4000 is currently in R&D.
This new keyboard will use new keycaps currently in production.

Bill Laundrie

Posts 20
26 Apr 2018 18:49

It's a shame they don't offer PayPal as a payment option.  If they did I'd jump on board.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
26 Apr 2018 21:27

Bill Laundrie wrote:

It's a shame they don't offer PayPal as a payment option.  If they did I'd jump on board.

I believe its IndiGoGo thing (transactions). However there isnt that much off a difference in charge of direct credit card and Pay Pal. And when something goes wrong you have to dial US and repeat same information to countless personas, which makes a hughe bill to non US citizens.

Ameno Phis

Posts 21
27 Apr 2018 16:09

Sadly, neither IndieGoGo nor Kickstarter offer Paypal.

However for Campaign Owners there is quite a difference if Paypal was possible, when you consider the volume of transactions.

Thank you for your support guys,


Ameno Phis

Posts 21
02 May 2018 07:01

Hi Guys,
  The New Amiga 500 Case campaign deadline has been extended to END of MAY.
  The New Amiga 500 case has full support on VAMPIRE boards, your contribution is vital to get new Molds ;)
Thank you again for your support.


Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
06 May 2018 21:11

I see Amiga X will use A1200.net cases (to get Amiga name and avoid whole design thing) and they are advancing with frontend development. Bad for them (for not hustling to get new design even without Amiga name), good for your campaign.

Partnership with Philippe Lang

On the hardware side, we have some really exciting news. You may already know about Philippe Lang of A1200.NET, who has successfully reproduced high-quality casings for the A1200, as well as original Amiga keycaps. We are excited to announce that we will most likely team up with them to produce the casings for the products. As they already hold a license to use the “Amiga” mark, as well as their experience in producing high-quality Amiga products, makes them an extremely exciting and valuable partner to us.

They actually have a Kickstarter for compatible A500 cases at the moment, so don’t forget to head over to Indiegogo to show your support.

Ameno Phis

Posts 21
07 May 2018 05:47

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

.../... Bad for them (for not hustling to get new design even without Amiga name), good for your campaign. .../...

It's not "bad for them".
Having to manufacture molds for any type of case is very pricey.

Partnering with our Team cut down a lot of expenses on their final product, as a result the product will be cheaper to purchase.

Thank you for your comment ;)


Tim D

Posts 84
07 May 2018 10:23

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

I see Amiga X will use A1200.net cases (to get Amiga name and avoid whole design thing) and they are advancing with frontend development. Bad for them (for not hustling to get new design even without Amiga name), good for your campaign.
  Partnership with Philippe Lang
  On the hardware side, we have some really exciting news. You may already know about Philippe Lang of A1200.NET, who has successfully reproduced high-quality casings for the A1200, as well as original Amiga keycaps. We are excited to announce that we will most likely team up with them to produce the casings for the products. As they already hold a license to use the “Amiga” mark, as well as their experience in producing high-quality Amiga products, makes them an extremely exciting and valuable partner to us.
  They actually have a Kickstarter for compatible A500 cases at the moment, so don’t forget to head over to Indiegogo to show your support.

It only states it's partnering with A1200.net for the license to use the Amiga logo. It does not explicitly state it will reuse the A1200 cases. I actually hope they don't and will build the slimmer keyboards they initially showed on their site.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
07 May 2018 10:24

Tim D wrote:

  It only states it's partnering with A1200.net for the license to use the Amiga logo. It does not explicitly state it will reuse the A1200 cases. I actually hope they don't and will build the slimmer keyboards they initially showed on their site.

  We will see what will be the end result. Looks like a bit of move from original design presented + "power brick".
ameno phis wrote:

  Partnering with our Team cut down a lot of expenses on their final product, as a result the product will be cheaper to purchase.

No doubt about it, what I ment by "too bad" is I assume it will to some point alter their original design. Kind of what we seen before e.g. with "fantasy a1200 case" ended to be "Amiga Mini" just engravement. Surely, this is not so radical, I hope you will do some good and unique design (and sell it as case without hardware and frontend too).

Roman S.

Posts 149
07 May 2018 14:05

ameno phis wrote:

Roman S. wrote:

And there is already one more case project, based on different concept (http://www.amigasystems.com/)

  This isn't a "case".
  It's emulation based on Raspberry Pi or any other device.
  The project is currently on its very early alpha phase.
  YOU WON'T FIT any Apollo products in there.
  The keyboard isn't Amiga compatible. Nor the caps.
  Also, there will be heavy molding necessary.. (keyboard / PSU / Mouse).

Yes, it is. It is a new case - A3000-style, but compatible with A500, A600, A1200, Raspberry Pi and MiniITX boards. I can't imagine why couldn't we put Vampire Standalone inside, will it be that big? And the project does not cover the keyboard, PSU, or mouse. Where did you get the idea from?

Philip Walker

Posts 6
07 May 2018 18:19

I already have an Amiga 1200 light blue case. It's awesome I love it. 

I've decided to go full Amiga 500 Vampire V4 standalone with this one.


Best of luck whoever else is involved.

Daniel Sevo

Posts 299
07 May 2018 23:45

Hello @Ameno Phis (Phil)
I wonder why the campaign site states that if you want keycaps with your A500 case, it will be a smaller crowd sourcing campaign later for it..
The keycaps still aren't ready, can't we just add more keycap orders now?

(Btw, I supported A1200 case + keycaps (Special Editions) and will support this also but I wanna make sure I can easily get matching keycap colors for the case color I had in mind. Thanx

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