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Vampire As a Bitcoin Miner Device?page  1 2 

Igor Majstorovic
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 409
07 Dec 2017 13:58

I was mining bitcoins with Vampire 600 V1 long time ago, I m only sorry that I never saved video for that. It was very interesting. So, my plans regarding that are still huge only problem is lack of time to do it. 

Mr Niding

Posts 459
10 Dec 2017 10:46

Igor released a video on youtube;
Quite the social warrior post there, but I do actually share what I precive as your worries.
The financial system globally is driving off a cliff with the current bailouts and deregulations. They claim to have put checks into the system after 2008, but the banks are much larger than before the crash.
SO the topic of currency is an important one for sure.
I DO have reservations about the POWER CONSUMPTION needed to create a currency.

Im unsure about the accuracy of these numbers, but its intresting all the same;

Again, Im onboard with the reasoning you posted on your website.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
10 Dec 2017 11:23

Me too!!

Chris Dennett

Posts 67
10 Dec 2017 17:07

The efficiency is irrelevant - if it heats your home in winter and you get some money back from it, and it is not much hassle for you, you may as well do it. In comparison, a space heater  uses ~1KW with output heat and no processing and gives no returns. It is people mining when their home isn't cold and then perhaps using air conditioning which is the real problem

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
10 Dec 2017 17:29

Think about it: you buy vampires with 68kcoins. The value of vampire determines the initial value of the coins. With 68kcoins you could buy a vampire or simply collect the coins (more money for the producer of the vampire/criptovalue, a way to finance the projects). Then if you buy a vampire is the best mining device for 68kcoins.. it's a win-win situation for the team

Chris Dennett

Posts 67
10 Dec 2017 17:46

I think this is a core for the Vampire rather than software, so you would have to flash it in order to mine. If it isn't then I apologise, but this would be the way to get the most from the FPGA.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
10 Dec 2017 18:41

Maybe a 68k cryptocoin as described by Majsta in his post could be mined with a 68k processor without having to flash a specific core (of course this is just an assumption as this coin is non-existent right now ;P)

Mr Niding

Posts 459
06 Jul 2018 20:27

The discussion has started again somewhat;


Igor Majstorovic
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 409
06 Jul 2018 21:18

Those types of discussions will be on and off from time to time and it is normal. As for that specific coin called Amigacoin(AGA) let me say thing or two. At the time I have tried to talk to the developer and I have presented him several things that he missed. Also, I have offered  him help but he didn't see any of the stuff I said. IMHO that project started purely to gain interest of the people who had Amiga in one part of the life. Playing for nostalgic feeling there wasn't success.
He was unaware that Amiga scene is still alive and that people actually using machine today. Then he started to investigate and registered on some Amiga forums trying to promote project. I asked him simple question. What's the purpose of having Amigacoin without possibility to run it on Amiga from WB. It is possible to at least make something in CLI. There are number of possibilities to make wallet and unique coin on Amiga but proper way. As I said all of that could be used as independent platform for financing Amiga related projects. But, you have to motivate people differently, you can't pay person to make miner or to make anything. In that bitcoin community things work differently. Simply, you can't offer money to the person because he already have it. But saying, hey, no one did that before maybe you could do it. That's what drives most of them. Eventually stuff I said will happen, today I have wireless devices who is mining same time as it sharing wifi in my house, there is light bulb with included ASIC miner so again, why not Amiga. There is no any single problem I could find against that to happen. There is no hardware or software drawbacks. Remember, it is not about the power in this case but in playing smart.

Andy Hearn

Posts 374
09 Jul 2018 14:48

agree. I think a "68k only" for something like a crypocurrency would be a little bit of entertainment. I think there should be a miner for 000's runnable from floppy disk all the way up to '080's :)

the question of electrical power use is only an issue if the "value" of the currency is only less than the power+time used to mine it. As with most things in life, the value of something is only what we can convince someone else into paying.
in this case I hope that'd be a loooong way of and that 020/030 executables have a good usefulness lifespan ahead.

how about something blitter based? go full circle, the first GPU running cyrpomining software!

Julien Marcel

Posts 5
09 Jul 2018 19:03

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

The Apollo Team is mining on the Vampire since years.
  What do you think is the real reason we added AMMX to APOLLO?

And this is also why :

1- the CPU stats plugins don't work anymore, so we can't know how many cycles are stolen from each and any of all the Vampires around the world (some Vampires even save cycles by outputting their display in black and white!) ;
2- the Apollo Team developed drivers to give us.... and the secretly embedded cryptominer... access to the Internet;
3- some team members live in Swiss mansions... while some "left" the team... or, more probably where given concrete boots to explore the bottom of Lake Geneva...
4- Also, nobody ever walked on the moon.

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