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Questions About AROS to Fix VirusZ and Xvs.library

Georg Wittmann

Posts 2
07 Apr 2021 22:10

my name is Georg Wittmann (formerly Hoermann), the programmer of Amiga anti-virus software VirusZ and xvs.library.
I want to fix my programs to work on AROS (at least m68k) and need the following questions to be answered as I didn't find information about it in the SDK:

1a. Are the m68k ROMS always fixed at $f80000 and $e00000 or can they be located somewhere else e.g. using AROSBootStrap (doesn't work on my WinUAE to be tested)

1b. How can I determine the location and size of the ROM(s) (I found out that there are MemLists called 'Kickstart ROM' in Execbase's MemList, but is this the official way? At least ArosInquireA() doesn't give a result for AI_KickstartBase and -Size.

1c. Can there be more than two ROMs or can there be parts of it in other memory areas (like 'ROM Updates' for AmigaOS 3.5/3.9)?

1d. At offset $c/$e from the beginning of my ROM, we have two UWORDS holding version 46.12. Is that value really used by AROS or just there to be Amiga-compatible as all AROS ROMs I've found have this same value?

2. Although I have chip.memory in WinUAE from $0-$200000, and AROS creates a MemList entry for this, MaxLocMem in ExecBase is 0. Is that a normal behaviour? Is MaxLocMem always 0 inside AROS? Or does that indicate something?

3. Does AROS link ResModules using bit 0 instead of bit 31 on m68k-machines, too? Or only on other machines?

Thanks in advance!

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6254
07 Apr 2021 22:33

Hallo Georg,

nice to see you!

Aros Rom on 68k was so far always 1 MB (2 pieces each 512K)
On $f80000 and $e00000. On Vampire the Rom is there and this location is also updated when maprom is used.

Pedro Cotter
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 308
08 Apr 2021 18:02

  This is what your tool reports today.
  MorphOS/AROS/AmigaOS4.x System Information Collector 0.02 (02.04.21)
  quickly written by Georg Wittmann (formerly Hoermann) just to collect
  some more system info required to fix 'VirusZ' and 'xvs.library'...
  Please send program output to: schorsch.wittmann@gmx.de  Thanks in advance once more!
  No 'MorphOS' RomTag, so this is not a MorphOS system!
  Found 'aros.library', result of ArosInquireA(): 8
  AI_ArosVersion:      41
  AI_ArosReleaseMajor:  1
  AI_ArosReleaseMinor:  12
  AI_ArosReleaseDate:  7560 (days since 01.01.1978)
  AI_ArosBuildDate:    Apr  6 2021
  AI_ArosArchitecture:  amiga-m68k
  AI_KickstartBase:    $00000000
  AI_KickstartSize:    $00000000
  AI_KickstartVersion:  0
  AI_KickstartRevision: 0
  2 'Kickstart ROM' entries found in ExecBase->MemList:
  $00F80000 - $01000000
  Beg Dump: 11144EF9 00F800FC 0000FFFF 002E000C 002E000C
  End Dump: 00080000 00180019 001A001B 001C001D 001E001F
  $00E00000 - $00E80000
  Beg Dump: 11144EF9 00F80002 0000FFFF 002E000B 002E000B
  End Dump: 00080000 00180019 001A001B 001C001D 001E001F
  No AmigaOS 4.x, exec.library's version would fit (v50+), but already other system detected!
  Last but not least some ExecBase values:
  SoftVer:    51
  SysStkUpper: $20000000
  SysStkLower: $1FFFE000
  MaxLocMem:  $00B80000
  AttnFlags:  $A47F
  List of 65 ResModules:
  Address  EndSkip  Init    Fl Name                            ID
  00FDC00A 00FE0BB4 00FDEC10 02 kernel.resource                kernel.resource amiga-m68k 3.1 (6.4.2021)
  00F82046 00F8DDE4 00F862F0 01 exec.library                    exec.library amiga-m68k 51.3 (6.4.2021)
  00FA2B3C 00FA2B38 00FA241E 02 expansion.library              expansion.library amiga-m68k 41.4 (6.4.2021)
  00FA8320 00FA82C4 00FA8340 82 debug.library                  debug.library 2.0 (6.4.2021)
  00FEE74E 00FEEBA8 00FEE93E 01 diag init                      diag init 41.1 06.04.2021
  00F9F22A 00F9F0E0 00F9F24A 81 utility.library                utility.library 50.3 (6.4.2021)
  00F8E154 00F8E104 00F8E174 81 aros.library                    aros.library 41.3 (6.4.2021)
  00F816CE 00F8176A 00F817F2 01 mmu                            mmu 41.1
  00FE1F20 00FE1EB8 00FE14E4 01 task.resource                  task.resource 1.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FE91EC 00FE91A0 00FE920C 81 potgo.resource                  potgo.resource 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FEE59A 00FEE54C 00FEDF60 01 bootloader.resource            bootloader.resource 41.1 (6.4.2021)
  00FE13D2 00FE137C 00FE0CE4 01 processor.resource              processor.resource amiga-m68k 2.0 (6.4.2021)
  00FA17DE 00FA1740 00FA17FE 81 oop.library                    oop.library 43.1 (6.4.2021)
  00FD9ED2 00FD9E84 00FD9EF2 81 hiddclass.hidd                  hiddclass.hidd 1.1 (6.4.2021)
  00E67390 00E6734C 00E673B0 81 bus.hidd                        bus.hidd 50.1 (6.4.2021)
  00E6854E 00E68504 00E6856E 81 system.hidd                    system.hidd 50.2 (6.4.2021)
  00E67FFC 00E67FB0 00E6801C 81 storage.hidd                    storage.hidd 50.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FE8B6C 00FE8FD0 00FE8C42 01 cia.resource                    cia.resource 0.1 (06.04.2021)
  00FE9A5C 00FE9A14 00FE98D8 01 FileSystem.resource            FileSystem.resource 1.0 (6.4.2021)
  00FDBDF6 00FDBD98 00FDBE16 81 battclock.resource              battclock.resource amiga-m68k 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FD9020 00FD8FDC 00FD9040 81 gfx.hidd                        gfx.hidd 45.6 (6.4.2021)
  00E13830 00E134C8 00E13850 81 graphics.library                graphics.library 45.1 (6.4.2021)
  00E17D24 00E17C30 00E17D44 81 layers.library                  layers.library 50.0 (6.4.2021)
  00FA962A 00FA95B4 00FA964A 81 timer.device                    timer.device amiga-m68k 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FEDE9A 00FEDE18 00FEDEBA 81 card.resource                  card.resource 41.3 (6.4.2021)
  00FDA86C 00FDA820 00FDA88C 81 keyboard.hidd                  keyboard.hidd 2.1 (6.4.2021)
  00FDB686 00FDB640 00FDB6A6 81 mouse.hidd                      mouse.hidd 2.0 (6.4.2021)
  00FE9D1A 00FE9CD4 00FE9AF4 01 misc.resource                  misc.resource 41.1 (6.4.2021)
  00FAAFCA 00FAAF70 00FAAFEA 81 keyboard.device                keyboard.device 41.3 (6.4.2021)
  00FB363E 00FB35E4 00FB365E 81 gameport.device                gameport.device 41.1 (6.4.2021)
  00FA7318 00FA726C 00FA7338 81 partition.library              partition.library 3.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FC2724 00FC26D8 00FC2744 81 amigakbd.hidd                  amigakbd.hidd 1.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FC323C 00FC31EC 00FC325C 81 amigamouse.hidd                amigamouse.hidd 1.1 (6.4.2021)
  00E012BC 00E0125C 00E012DC 81 keymap.library                  keymap.library 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FE9832 00FE97DC 00FE9852 81 disk.resource                  disk.resource 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FB2B0C 00FB2AB0 00FB2B2C 81 trackdisk.device                trackdisk.device 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00FAA544 00FAA4EC 00FAA564 81 input.device                    input.device 41.4 (6.4.2021)
  00E3C8B2 00E3C5E4 00E3C8D2 81 intuition.library              intuition.library 50.7 (6.4.2021)
  00FEE5BA 00FEE74E 00FEE5FE 01 vampire.resource                vampire 45.3 (04.9.17)
  00FCA9A6 00FCA954 00FCA9C6 81 amigavideo.hidd                amigavideo.hidd 45.7 (6.4.2021)
  00FB0510 00FB04A0 00FB0530 81 console.device                  console.device 41.7 (6.4.2021)
  00E647F6 00E5F784 00E64816 81 ata.device                      ata.device amiga-m68k 43.4 (6.4.2021)
  00FCB59A 00FCB54C 00FCB5BA 81 ata_gayle.hidd                  ata_gayle.hidd 1.3 (6.4.2021)
  00E64E4E 00E64E4E 00E64E6E 81 sagasd.device                  sagasd.device 2.1 (6.4.2021) (C)2006 Jason McCullan, (C)2020
  00E473DC 00E47324 00E473FC 81 gadtools.library                gadtools.library 41.1 (6.4.2021)
  00E5CF8A 00E5CEF8 00E5CFAA 81 mathieeesingbas.library        mathieeesingbas.library 40.3 (6.4.2021)
  00E5DF3C 00E5DEA0 00E5DF5C 81 lowlevel.library                lowlevel.library 40.9 (6.4.2021)
  00FBEC56 00FBEC20 00FB8160 01 afs-handler                    afs.handler 41.7 (6.4.2021)
  00FEEBAA 00FEEDCC 00FEEC78 01 romboot                        romboot 41.1 06.04.2021
  00E6CC1C 00E6DE60 00E6DCA4 01 alert.hook                      alert.hook 41.8 06.04.2021
  00E5F784 00E64794 00E63E0C 01 ATA boot wait                  ata.device amiga-m68k 43.4 (6.4.2021)
  00FE8B38 00FE687C 00FE6BCC 01 dosboot.resource                dosboot.resource 41.4 (6.4.2021)
  00F8E906 00F9DDD0 00F91A5E 00 dos.library                    dos.library 50.73 (6.4.2021)
  00FB47FC 00FB47A8 00FB481C 80 audio.device                    audio.device 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  00E5BC56 00E5BBA4 00E5BC76 80 workbench.library              workbench.library 45.3 (6.4.2021)
  00E5C496 00E5C414 00E5C4B6 80 mathffp.library                mathffp.library 41.1 (6.4.2021)
  00FE687C 00FE8AF4 00FE8AA0 04 DOSBoot cleanup                dosboot.resource 41.4 (6.4.2021)
  00FE29D0 00FE2988 00FE201C 04 lddemon.resource                lddemon.resource 41.4 (6.4.2021)
  00FEC968 00FEC928 00FEA284 04 shell.resource                  shell.resource 41.4 (6.4.2021)
  00E6C4D4 00E6C484 00E68FBC 04 shellcommands.resource          shellcommands.resource 41.1 (6.4.2021)
  00E6C542 00E6C608 00E6C55C 00 workbench.task                  workbench.task 40.1 (06.04.2021)
  00FB7AA2 00FB7A6C 00FB4CE8 04 con-handler                    con.handler 41.8 (6.4.2021)
  00FC1CE8 00FC1CB4 00FBED70 04 ram-handler                    ram.handler 1.9 (6.4.2021)
  00E5F000 00E5EF98 00E5F020 84 nvdisk.library                  nvdisk.library 42.0 (6.4.2021)
  00E5F504 00E5F4A4 00E5F524 84 setpatch.library                setpatch.library 41.2 (6.4.2021)
  ExecBase -> MemList entries:
  Address  Lower    Upper    Attr Name
  08000000 08000000 20000000 1505 memory
  01000000 01000000 08000000 1505 memory
  00C00000 00C00000 00D80000 1705 memory
  00002000 00002000 00B80000 1703 chip memory
  08001140 00F80000 01000000 0400 Kickstart ROM
  08001160 00E00000 00E80000 0400 Kickstart ROM

posts 3