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Apollo OS CF Distro 8.1 Released

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6253
06 Mar 2022 15:08

You can find in our Download Section now the Apollo OS Distro 8.1

Richard Statham

Posts 50
06 Mar 2022 15:18

Whats new ?

Willem Drijver
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 131
08 Mar 2022 14:46

ApolloOS R7.4->RC8

RC7 Changes:
✓ Screenmode: set to SAGA 1280x720x24 with 16M colors default
✓ FirstBoot sequence for User Preferences (incl. On-Line / On-Time / TZ+DST)
✓ Workaround InputMUI / Locale issue (delete prefs files)
✓ Replace fat-handler by latest release version (filesize 34.328)
✓ Correct V4Net.Device for Core R7.x (V4Net.device_old)
✓ Cleanup Devs:DosDrivers (SER#? SD0#? Debug#?)
✓ Replace C:Reboot by C:Reset (Reboot gives issues)
✓ New ApolloOS Wallpaper (Thanks to @Firetail)
✓ Updated Vampire Tools in C

RC8 Changes:
✓ DONE: Update aibb.prefs in S:
✓ DONE: Set VControl ID=2 in SS
✓ Create Stuff:2D/JPEG folder with demo content from @FireTail and @Alt.Vamp
✓ Fill Stuff: Videos with Movietrailers and BigBuckBunny/TearsofSteel
✓ Workbench icon arrangement
✓ Cleanup game names
✓ TimePrefs fixed
✓ Workaround: disable ReqTools in ASMOne (no button issue)
✓ Cleanup Stuff:Developer Folder (keep AMOS, ASM-One V1.48, FPC, RedPill, VBCC, DevPac, MUIBuilder)
✓ Add “DONOTWAIT” on SD0.info in WBStartup
✓ Fix “sources:” error in ASMONE
✓ Set WHDLoad exit key to “ESC”
✓ Rename Stuff:GFX to Stuff:2D

RC9/10 Changes:
✓ Delete Halloween and venom videos
✓ Cleanup SS with deleting “Monitor” section”
✓ Consolidate user-startup into SS, delete user-startup
✓ Drive Stuff: rename to Programs:
✓ Relabel CFBoot: to DH0:
✓ WORKAROUND: Disabled Zune-Theme (THEME: assignment srt to THEMES: instead of THEMES:Arosdefault
✓ Update to AWEB 3.5.09
✓ WORKAROUND: Disable “Appearance” as it crashes the system
✓ Backup v1.91 - default in SYS:Tools (replaced ABackup)
✓ Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos (= copy from Coffin except copyrighted MP3)
✓ Replaced copyrighted MP3 by royalty free MP3
✓ Included Programs:Pictures/Apollo sample grahics by @FireTail and @Alt.Vamp
✓ User selectable option: Clock/Calendar (DClock?)
✓ Default Editor (C:Ed) change to Jano editor qlso in DOPUS
✓ Disable the extra “Blink” after starting App from WBDock (NOBLINK Tooltype)
✓ Added PFS3AIO in L: for acces to PFS3 volumes
✓ ClickToFront    Should be enabled as default?
✓ Added SMBFS in ApolloOS/Internet and SMBFS command in C:
✓ Added APDF instead of RNOPDF
✓ Updated alll default icons (envarc:sys) including associations
✓ VNetServerAmiga added in ApolloOS:Tools (@RonyBeck)
✓ Remove/Fix all items that still have issues (see list below)

RC11 Changes:
✓ Added Kevn Saunders (@invent) content in Programs:Pictures/@Invent
✓ Added DJ-Collins Brass Track (Gunnar nostalgia) in Programs:Music/MP3
✓ Corrected WHDSave path in S:WHDLoad.prefs
✓ Updated other WHDLoad scripts (whd-load-cleanup/postdisk/startup)
✓ Changed Click2Front to activate on 1-click and move to foreground on 2-click
✓ Restored ApolloOS:Expert folder with “Test” folder for various testing tools
✓ New Programs:SkippCollection content based on FirebirdDemos-OCS-AGA-RTG.lha
✓ Updated Riva 0.56 with purple band fix
✓ SMBFS update from 1.74 to 2.1
✓ Games/WHDLoad Deleted (not working): Robocod (James Pond 2) + James Pond 3 + Uridium II + Paradroid + Brian the Lion
✓ Games/WHDLoad Fixed: DynaBlaster / Wings / Chaos engine / James (Turtle Mode is now set as default in WHDLoad.prefs) + Blood Money (edit gameslist.csv)
✓ Games/AROSGames Deleted: Misc/INV
✓ Updated iGame.iff picture for ApolloOS logo
✓ DefIcons Workaround: Reconfigured Deficons (Prefs) on Coffin and then copied to ApolloOS (checked ALL def_#? icons in ENVARC:Sys)
✓ Aweb Buttons -> revert to 3.5.07 buttons (Aweb version is still 3.5.09)
✓ Added “Safeboot” option for users with boot/display issues (press spacebar on boot AFTER first HDD-led activity to skip IPrefs in startup-sequence)
✓ Enabled Cache and Thumbnails in MysticView
✓ Changed :ApolloOS (Beta) into ApolloOS R7.4 in workbench title
✓ Update v4net.device to v2.8 with dual mode (R7/R8) support - filesize = 10.900 (10-11-2021)

RC12 (release version)
✓ Re-enabled Opaque and TweakWB
✓ Activate ApolloShield in Startup-Sequence
✓ Check with patched SA_Release7_4.jic (RonyBeck)
✓ Borrowed Kids movies from Cotter (with his permission)
✓ Enabled Reqtools in ASM-One (accepting for now issue with hidden buttons in some requesters)
✓ Fixed Prefs->Network (moved SYS:Internet/AROSTCP back to AROS default location = SYS:System/Network/AROSTCP)
✓ Fixed Prefs->Network “Start network during system boot” by changing then ENV:ONLINE flag to ENV:AROSTCP/AUTORUN (used by AROS)
✓ Added Prefs->ResetPrefs for easy reset of user preferences + reboot as it was firstboot
✓ Added Tools->UpdateApolloCORE (VampireFlash)
✓ Added Tools->MaximizeHarddisk (FixHDDSize)
✓ Deleted Programs:Demos/VenusArt and NexusDemo, Parallax-Zif moved to SkippCollection/Demo-AGA
✓ Reverted asl.library and reqtools.library (ReqToolsUsr Aminet filesize = 46.148) back to AROS versions (AROS = filesize 77.128)

RC13 changes
✓ Major: Changed Workbench.library to Workbench_45.137 (Resolves crashes/freezes starting Apss from WBDock)
✓ Startup-Sequence: used Assign ENV: ENVARC: insetad of copy (tip from AmigaSystem/PeterK)
✓ Updated to Peter Keunecke icon.library v46.4
✓ Startup-Sequence: added HoldCTBuffer1 and DoNoColorMapping (as advised by PeterK)

RC14 (release version)
✓ Startup-Sequence: reverted to “classic” copy ENVARC: to ENV: instead of direct assign (issues with requesters like locale)
✓ Renamed Movies to Videos (more consequent naming)
✓ Added Devs:Kickstarts/AROS.rom (from patched SA_Release7_4.jic) for compatibility with VBL (softkick from AOS to ApolloOS)
✓ Changed Programs:Music/C64Music to Programs:Music/SID (more consequent with other content folders like MOD, MP3, WAV, AIFF, etc)
✓ Changed DOPUS to display file progress during copy
✓ Update to SA_Release7_4.jic (patched) in SYS:Cores

RC15 (really release version for Friday 19-11-2021)
&#10003; Update routine added to startup-sequence (checks for Programs:Downloads/ApolloOS_<APOLLOUPDATE>.lha)
&#10003; Corrected .mpg extensions in Programs: Videos
&#10003; Deleted corrupted MP3 song from playliast and MP3 drawer
&#10003; Restored Lotus Challenge video especially for Gunnar
&#10003; Added AROS.rom check in startup-sequence for users that have flashed Amiga OS Kickstart or mismatched AROS ROM
&#10003; Check on all drawers for correct display Icon/Text and arrangements and made snapshots
&#10003; Cleaned up ApolloOS:Tools/Videos script (Riva)
&#10003; Cleaned up ApolloOS:S/ANetWebON
&#10003; Updated WBDock from v2.430 to v2.560
&#10003; Changed WHDLoad.prefs for default quitkey = $5F (Help key for classic Amiga / Pg-Up/Down for Stand Alone)
&#10003; Updated DirectoryOpus from v4.16 to v4.17

Apollo R8 - RC1
&#10003; Cleaned up ApolloOS:Expansion
&#10003; Update HippoPlayer to v2.48 and set default MOD lcoation to Programs:Music/MOD
&#10003; Programs:Videos Corrected missing Riva default tool settings
&#10003; Update ReqTools.library to v39.3 (Aminet - ReqToolsLib)
&#10003; Fixed Programs:2D/Photogenics preferences
&#10003; Cleanup DefIcons.prefs incl. def_xxx.info (ENVARC:Sys) - Documented in Excelsheet
&#10003; Added FTP, WGet, Ping and Traceroute to C and usergroup.library to LIBS:
&#10003; Fixed script attributes for Programs:Emulators/GnGeo
&#10003; Fixed script Programs:2D/Run_PPaint
&#10003; Changed LIBS:Reqtools.library to AROS Caffeine version - solves issues like ASM-One (Thanks Pedro!)
&#10003; Deleted Programs:Developer/DevPack due to crash

&#10003; Change ApolloOS release number in left-upper corner to ApolloOS R8-RC2
&#10003; Adjusted SS to read RTC clock even if user not chooses ONLINE in FirstBoot
&#10003; Update VampireMap v1.14, VampireFlash v1.14 and Vcontrol to v1.22 for R8 compatibility with new Board-ID
&#10003; Reverted Devs:Networks/v4net.device to v2.7 for compatibility with Core R8
&#10003; Redone the Script-attribute on GnGeo (somehow this got undone during image creation)
&#10003; SYS:Tools/Dopus optimised settings/colors (easy color scheme, right-MB for parent dir, etc.)
&#10003; Update SYS:Cores directory with FB_8399.jic (without patched AROS.ROM) and SA_8401.jic (with patched AROS.ROM)
&#10003; Added simple SYS:Prefs/VControl GUI and added to FirstBoot sequence (AGAMode (AG=0/1) Scanlines (SC=0/1) Zoom (ZO=0/1))

&#10003; Enabled detection of VBoardID in S:FirstBoot to allow different user setting (in the future) for different V4 boards
&#10003; Enabled automatic V4 StandAlone / FireBird / IceDrake logo in lower left corner of default ApolloOS wallpaper
&#10003; Fixed J&P PDF Manual default tool
&#10003; Added Flype CPU Mon as “ApolloMon” in ApolloOS:Tools
&#10003; Add Setclock Load in SS to support legacy RTC on accelerators

&#10003; Deleted the VControl section from SS, FirstBoot and SetVcontrol (settings are possibly confusing for users in this stage)
&#10003; Added TimeIt to C:
&#10003; Deleted the BootSound option due to possible conflict with Audio Apps/Games started directly on WB boot

&#10003; Delete Agony Game if nt compatible with final Core R8
&#10003; Rename ApolloOS:Internet to ApolloOS:Network (consistent with Coffin)
&#10003; Deleted VampireMap in start of startup-sequence

R8 Release 6-12-2021
&#10003; Corrected s:awebneton
&#10003; Added XEN-EU and set Xen-EU/11 as default to support EU characters in shell
&#10003; Updated iGame to 2.1b3 (fixes menu)

R81-RC1 (ApolloCore R8.1 = SA_8526)
&#10003; Updated: REXX (Libs: + C:)
&#10003; Updated: v4net.device (3-1-2021 / filesize = 15.492) - same version as in SAGA V2.8
&#10003; Updated: i2c.library (1-1-2021 / filesize = 1.516) - same version as in SAGA V2.8
&#10003; Added: Bustest to SYS:Tools
&#10003; Rewritten: “FlynnStressTest” to run on ApolloOS
&#10003; Added: Remlib to SYS:C
&#10003; Added XADMaster Unarchiving (LHA/LZX/ZIP/7Z)
&#10003; Dopus Filetype added for 7Z 

R81-RC2 (ApolloCore R8.1 = SA_8613 or SA_8526)
&#10003; Updated: Archive Def-Icon (envarc:sys/def_archive.info) for SYS:Tools/Unpacker auto-extract LHA/LZX/ZIP on doubleclick
&#10003; Updated: S:WHDLoad-Startup to stop AROSTCP on WHDLoad start - INFO: Restart needed to restore networking
&#10003; Updated workbench.library to fix “delete issue” (filesize 199.852) - Thanks to Claudio (@cgugl)
&#10003; Updated Programs:Benchmarks/SysInfo/Sysinfo (v44 - filesize 62.240 bytes)
&#10003; Updated S:Startup-Sequence for improved NTPSync and ApolloOS-Update (now supporting Programs:)
&#10003; Added Apollo Quick Video Guides to Programs:Videos (base image only, not in update file due to large size)
&#10003; Added Command & Conquer (Arczi) in Programs:Games/CC (base image only, not in update file due to large size)
&#10003; Updated Jake & Peppy to v0.85 in Programs:Games/Jake&Peppy (base image only, not in update file due to large size)

R81-RC3 (ApolloCore R8.1 = SA_8624 / 8613 / 8526)
&#10003; Added RX command to C: (needed for killing AROSTCP on WHDload)
&#10003; Added LIBS:compressors (needed for Deluxe Galaga)

R81-RC4 (ApolloCore R8.1 = SA_8624)
&#10003; Updated: S:WHDload-Startup - Quits with ReturnCode 0 to avoid WHDLoad startup warning
&#10003; Updated: Programs:Games/DGalaga startup script - Clean prefs on start to avoid freeze
&#10003; Updated: C:WHDLoad from version 18.6.6128 to 18.7.6366
&#10003; Reverted: Devs:Networks/v4net.device from 3.0b back to 2.6 (filesize 11.880)
&#10003; Checked: Libs:i2c.library is latest version (filesize 1.516)
&#10003; Added: ApolloOS:Tools/SFSSalv for undeleting files (incl. Libs:gtlayout.library)
&#10003; Added: ApolloOS:Tools/ApolloMacAddress (based on modv4mac from @RedBug)
&#10003; Updated: Devs:Dosdrivers added virtual floppies IDF1: IDF2: and IDF3:

R81-RC5 (ApolloCore R8.1 = SA_8685/ICE_8681/FIRE_8686)
&#10003; Added ENVARC:APOLLOVERSION variable
&#10003; Bumped Release in menubar + firstboot to R8.1 + ENVARC:APOLLOUPDATE to R8.2
&#10003; Added SoundTest - Thanks @Tommo
&#10003; Moved DClock to WBStartup to FIX write-lock on SS - Thanks @Thore
&#10003; Added user-startup in SS for better compatibility with user installed Apps
&#10003; Deleted Fonts/TrueType/VideoPhreak.ttf to FIX FTManager crash - Thanks @Thore
&#10003; Reverted v4net.device reverted back (again) to v3.0b (= filesize 15.492)
&#10003; (Image only): C&C “v0.91” version - thanks to @Arczi/@Quetzal/@Bartek
&#10003; (Image only): Increase Programs: Partition size from 3Gb to 7,3Gb (total ApolloOS image = 8Gb)
&#10003; (Image only): Apollo VideoGuides in Programs:Videos/Guides drawer
&#10003; (Image only): Moved Programs:Videos content to Programs:Videos/Clips
&#10003; (Image only): Programs:Games/Jake&Peppy update to v0.85 - Thanks @Quetzal

John William

Posts 570
08 Mar 2022 18:57

Did you really had to ask O_o?

posts 4