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Looking for Cgx/p96/mpega ASM Includes

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
20 May 2024 09:51


I search for the _lib.i ASM includes for

- cybergraphics
- cgxvideo
- p96
- mpega.library

I want to retranslate a slightly modified version
of riva 0.50 (reason - to be used in a game i need
to disable the workbench window/fullscreen switch on
Enter key and make it go fullscreen by default).

In the NDK i found only the .h files and other .i but
not the _lib.i.

Can someone help me out there?


Best regards,
Steffen Haeuser

Thellier Alain

Posts 144
20 May 2024 12:57

if you can create manually an sfd file or have the .xml from OS4 include then you can use fdtrans or idltool to generate all the includes so also the .i

fdtrans foo.sfd --all
idltool  foo.xml --all

sfd can be made manually from the include in clib/ and fd/ just use Excel to add the data as two collumns

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
25 May 2024 01:52

thellier alain wrote:

if you can create manually an sfd file or have the .xml from OS4 include then you can use fdtrans or idltool to generate all the includes so also the .i
  fdtrans foo.sfd --all
  idltool  foo.xml --all
  sfd can be made manually from the include in clib/ and fd/ just use Excel to add the data as two collumns

Thx. I managed to fo the cgx includes. Also mpega_lib.i.

Unfortunately also libraries/mpega.i is needed and the mpega archive
on aminet only has C includes.

Of P96 and cgxvideo i still lack a fd file or
comparable file (got c includes and asm includes
EXCEPT _lib.i and fd file). If anyone got these files
Would be great to provide it to me.


Best regards,

Thellier Alain

Posts 144
25 May 2024 20:51

cgxvideo_lib.fd =

##base _CGXVideoBase
##bias 30

posts 4