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Checksum Error On CF Card - OS 3.2

Kristof C.

Posts 52
22 Sep 2023 13:57

I now have the problem with my OS 3.2 installation more often that some partitions show "Checksum Error" over time. Although I have already set Max Transfer correctly when formatting. What are the experiences? Could it be because of the cheap compact flash card? Or is there anything else I need to consider? The data loss is limited, because I have already created an image of the CF on the PC in advance.

John William

Posts 616
22 Sep 2023 16:37

Kristof C. wrote:

I now have the problem with my OS 3.2 installation more often that some partitions show "Checksum Error" over time. Although I have already set Max Transfer correctly when formatting. What are the experiences? Could it be because of the cheap compact flash card? Or is there anything else I need to consider? The data loss is limited, because I have already created an image of the CF on the PC in advance.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Maybe it is time you dig out coffin from the grave again? - huge grin -

Kristof C.

Posts 52
22 Sep 2023 18:37

Yeah. :-)

Apollocontrol ID=1 seems to be the solution.
I want to test this config.

John William

Posts 616
22 Sep 2023 20:05

Kristof C. wrote:

Yeah. :-)
  Apollocontrol ID=1 seems to be the solution.
  I want to test this config.

You used ApolloControl ID=1 on coffin or os 3.2.1?

Kristof C.

Posts 52
22 Sep 2023 20:22


Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6294
23 Sep 2023 07:40

Kristof C. wrote:

Could it be because of the cheap compact flash card?

Which model are you using?
In my experience its worth to use quality bands cards like Kingston or Sandisk - I would not trust noname cards and think that some noname china cards can give problems.

Kristof C.

Posts 52
23 Sep 2023 08:16

It's some kind of non-name card, probably from China. I still had the card. A new card has been ordered. Sandisk Extreme 32GB. The cheap card currently works, but I wanted to be on the safe side.

Joshua Dolan

Posts 7
24 Sep 2023 00:54

I've learned not to use anything from Transcend. When I first got my V2 way back in 2017 I had a hell of a time getting it going because of the 8gb Transcend CF I was trying to use. I could set it up in Harddrive toolbox and format it. Then on the next reboot the partitions were gone. Then maybe I would get it to reboot, format, and install the OS. Then I'd reboot and I'd checksum errors or it was gone again. After days of looking I stumbled on a post somewhere that said Transcend cards don't implement everything that was required to work on an Amiga because they were intended for cameras. I still have the csrd and formatted Fat32 it works fine on a PC in an adapter.

I know it is frowned upon but I've moved on to using SD to IDE adapters on my V2 and Firebird and I have had no trouble.

Kristof C.

Posts 52
24 Sep 2023 18:13

I have now a SanDisk Extreme 32GB. It works fine without checksum error.  Fast IDE is still disabled.

Now, i have fun with the vampire.

Kristof C.

Posts 52
26 Sep 2023 07:55

I have continued to test the computer over the past few days. Almost everything continues to work as expected. Actually just like I know from the past with other turbo cards. Crashes happen every now and then.Most of the time it is due to improperly programmed applications or games. But I've known that for the past 30 years. Therefore no reason to complain.Land of Genesis is still not running. I can only get to the main menu. After that it's over. A few WHDLOAD games that require AGA do not work (Virutal Karting 1 and 2). But they are very special games. Overall I am very satisfied. My expectations were met.

posts 10