Arne von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 65 22 Jun 2021 16:02
Hello my name is Arne von Boehn ,
I'm 14 years old and I love Amiga! I like Amiga and like coding in assembly I have written a short Demo in ASMONE Assembly. It shows a 1280x720 picture
here is the video.
Bastian Zühlke
Posts 23 22 Jun 2021 16:18
Thanks. Since the image file is called wolf.yuv I suppose SAGA supports YUV color decoding natively ?
Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6301 22 Jun 2021 17:14
Yes SAGA support various formats, PLANAR, 8bit, 15bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit and also YUV.
GFXMODE 16bit register selecting the screen size and the pixelformat for the Chunky plane.
Cool video Arne. Your ASM course for V4 is awesome! I suggest you to paste the source code under your posts so people can easily have a reference without having to take screenshots of the videos. Thumbs up!!
A1200 Coder
Posts 74 22 Jun 2021 18:02
Interesting, but how do you do hardware scrolling/overscan in these new screenmodes, as the old Amiga hardware had no fixed resolutions, but rather specified with ddfstrt/ddfstop, and visible screen with diwstrt/diwstop? 160 x Y resolution in hardware was also possible under AGA, not sure if it is too useful.
DiscreetFX Studios
Posts 155 22 Jun 2021 20:25
Great video, thanx a bunch.
Kamelito Loveless
Posts 263 23 Jun 2021 11:40
@Gunnar, So $010A is for Atari ST low res $0408 is for Atari ST high res
So there is a missing resolution for mid res for Atari ST right? (640x200) the Pixelformat being $09
Gunnar von Boehn (Apollo Team Member) Posts 6301 23 Jun 2021 11:43
Kamelito Loveless wrote:
@Gunnar, So $010A is for Atari ST low res $0408 is for Atari ST high res
So there is a missing resolution for mid res for Atari ST right? (640x200) the Pixelformat being $09
Hmm good point. We could add this mode
Kamelito Loveless
Posts 263 15 Feb 2022 21:40
Hi Arne, There's an error in your code. you do :
1) move.w $DFF002,DMACON 2) or.w D0,DMACON
The first line should have been : move.w $DFF002,D0