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Gorky 17 for 68k

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
25 May 2024 12:02


On today's ARC24 we are showing Gorky 17 for 68k.

While the show system is a PiStorm the game will also run on the Vampire V4 (possibly also Vampire V2 and 060).

The version shown is already "far progressed".

Gorky 17 is a RPG/Adventure mix with a strategic combat system which reminds a bit of the combat system of Ambermoon (but with 3D Isometric display).


Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6294
26 May 2024 08:35

Hello Steffen,

right now Gorky has a P96 dependencies.
Do you plan to fix this so that CyberGFX users can also us it?

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
27 May 2024 11:24

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

Hello Steffen,
  right now Gorky has a P96 dependencies.
  Do you plan to fix this so that CyberGFX users can also us it?

Up to yesterday I had assumed CGX is only still used in MorphOS and some old 040/060 etc. systems. I now realize that when you told me in the past "not all Vampires have P96 installed" we misunderstand each other. You obviously meant "some have CGX installed". I had understood "Some have no RTG Software installed".

As the Vampire with ApolloOS is part of the target platform obviously I will have to get it usable for CGX users as well.

It was good we had that chat. I had not been aware ApolloOS uses CGX instead of P96.

As I told you yesterday on Discord (But I assume your post here is older than the discord answer from me).

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
28 May 2024 14:13

Okay, should be no problem to change the stuff to CGX API. I checked, it is just 16 places. Also while analyzing it I found a good place for optimization ;-)

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6294
28 May 2024 15:24

Steffen Häuser wrote:

  Okay, should be no problem to change the stuff to CGX API. I checked, it is just 16 places. Also while analyzing it I found a good place for optimization ;-)

This sounds very good!

Please tell us if there is anything where we can support you.
We will gladly give you tuned code for Blitting or Screencopy, just tell us what you need!

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
29 May 2024 00:54

Gunnar von Boehn wrote:

Steffen Häuser wrote:

    Okay, should be no problem to change the stuff to CGX API. I checked, it is just 16 places. Also while analyzing it I found a good place for optimization ;-)

  This sounds very good!
  Please tell us if there is anything where we can support you.
  We will gladly give you tuned code for Blitting or Screencopy, just tell us what you need!

  If you have some tuned code for screencopy with
  ASM usage this might indeed be useful. I in the
  meanwhile moved the background screen copier from
  P96 to cgx (original version used p96wpa stuff).
  I am now doing direct copy to locked bitmap.
  Unfortunately g17 is fixed to rgb16 (in a gadzillion
  Places…) so screen copy
  does byteswap and all that stuff, did versions for all
  pixel formats (including versions for wb window mode)
  but if you have asm ones that would
  Be nice. Thx.

EDIT: Though on Vampire we actually have a RGB16 format I just remembered. So there I could introduce a special case where the engine directly writes into the video ram instead of into a buffer first, using Dbuffering. Would be faster ;-) No color conversion needed.
  Currently just
  Drawvideo(src,dest,destbpr,isfullscreen) needed but
  there will be probably one with more params needed
  later on have to look at that codepart still.
  No hurry will be busy with more soundcode
  Optimizations anyways after the cgx stuff. Should
  Have p96 dependencies out next two days (after
  that bit of a break 10 yrs marriage anniversary on thursday ;))

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
29 May 2024 08:12

Okay, I can confirm now that Gorky 17 starting Beta 9 (not yet given to testers) no longer requires the Picasso96 API. There might be still some room for optimizations which I look into next.

As to chunky copy it only requires a DrawVideo(UWORD *src, UWORD *dest, int destbr, bool fullscreen); with a copy fixed to R5G6B5 and Width 640, source bpr 1280. Will still look about a special case if R5G6B5 is the native format (as on the vampire), engine should be possible to write directly into the dblbuffer instead of extra copy I think.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6294
30 May 2024 09:26

Hello Steffen,
Yes Super-AGA does support many GFX formats and also RGB16.
I agree that doing a color conversion loop each frame sounds like a terrible idea for a program. I would call this bad coding.
As you said write screen directly, use PTR update for doublebuffer instead of memcopy - will be much better solution.
Please mind that AMMX provides high performance pixel copy instructions. This means with AMMX you can copy "soft-sprites" on RGB16 several times even a magnitude faster.
AMMX also offer ASM instruction for sprite copies and for Alpha Blending merging on RGB16.
Using simple AMMX code creating a game screen like Gorky17 reach over 100FPS easily both on V2 and V4. We can gladly give you ASM code to help you.
Please tell me which basic functions you need and Arne and me will provide you with good solutions for it.

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
01 Jun 2024 16:07

I got a AMMX screen copy function from Morten (thanks to him!). It is really very nicely. While Gorky is not a fps game I think the difference is noticable.

I will wait what the Betatesters say, but I personally call the scrolling very smooth now. I also look forward what results the Betatester with Vampire V2 gets.

Both the change in the screen refresh code, and the complete reimplementation of the Sound system caused a massive speedup.

And on the color format thing, that's really one advantage the Vampire got that you can use RGB16 straight, and do not have to use something like BGR Byteswapped as some other platforms do.

Steffen Häuser

Posts 60
02 Jun 2024 17:48

Note: Despite me being fine with the performance of Gorky 17 on Vampire V4 now, it will still get some more AMMX love. Sprites and stuff and also want to use AMMX for the Sound system a bit. Seems (as Gunnar said) for such a game optimizations for Vampire are pretty easy. Shame not like that for all ports.

DiscreetFX Studios

Posts 155
06 Jun 2024 03:14

Cool, sounds like good news for this game.

posts 11