| |  Vincent Rivière
Posts 87 02 Sep 2020 19:49
| Hi, I'm glad to announce the EmuTOS 1.0 release! This is an important milestone, as it took 19 years to reach this goal. This is a mature release for Atari ST/TT hardware (as Falcon support is still partial).Regarding to Amiga, there is only 1 improvement from the previous release, but a big one. This is a major bugfix. Sometimes, EmuTOS crashed with a register dump while moving the mouse. This has been fixed in EmuTOS 1.0. So this new EmuTOS is rock solid on Amiga, including Vampire. Future release 1.1 will contain a few improvements for Vampire, but one thing after each other. For now, enjoy the stability of EmuTOS 1.0! Get emutos-amiga-rom-1.0.zip there: EXTERNAL LINK
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| |  Simo Koivukoski (Apollo Team Member) Posts 601 02 Sep 2020 21:00
| Thank you all for your work! GOLD2.13 Release Candidate for the V2 is now updated with the EmuTOS 1.0 rom. 
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 11 Sep 2020 13:14
| Hi Simo, I cannot get the new EmuTOS 1.0 ROM to work with V4SA. - Tried etos512k.img renamed to kick.rom and boot V4 with right-MB - Tried VControl MR=etos512k.img - Tried VampireMap etos512k.img Also the saga16.sys and saga32.sys from Olivier Landemarre seems to be updated half a year back and I don't think they will work with the new SAGA implementation in the latest V4 Cores, or am I wrong?
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| |  Simo Koivukoski (Apollo Team Member) Posts 601 11 Sep 2020 16:11
| There should be emutos-vampire-v4sa.rom inside of emutos-amiga-rom-1.0.zip package.
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 11 Sep 2020 16:19
| My bad..... I followed the link and at the EmuTOS site without thinking/looking clicked on the big green button with "DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION"and that is the generic one, without the Vampire files in it....
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 11 Sep 2020 17:07
| I can boot now from EmuTOS, but on the new V4 Core the screen is scrambled, I guess due to the new SAGA implementation. Is there any news on EmuTOS support for the new Cores including updated saga16.sys and saga32.sys for fVDI support?
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 12 Sep 2020 18:51
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| I can boot now from EmuTOS, but on the new V4 Core the screen is scrambled, I guess due to the new SAGA implementation. Is there any news on EmuTOS support for the new Cores including updated saga16.sys and saga32.sys for fVDI support? |
Emutos version with new saga implementation exist and work fine, this is not exactly 1.0 but older version of around 2 month It start in higher resolution of Saga in 4 plane color Support 1 (but not usable this mode flickering so much), 2 (but not in 640x200) and 4 stlow and are resolution ok. I can't provide now, I'm not at home, but Monday. I have no update for fvdi driver, this is quite simple to do but not take time. Olivier
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 13 Sep 2020 11:06
| Thank you very much Olivier, looking forward to do some testing of EmuTOS with fVDI on V4 :-)
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 13 Sep 2020 18:51
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| Thank you very much Olivier, looking forward to do some testing of EmuTOS with fVDI on V4 :-) |
Hello you can find experimental Emutos version for last core and V4SA only here: EXTERNAL LINK You can change resolution, I have not yet update emutos ressource for new core version so screen size proposed are different from size you will obtain. 1 plan flick a lot and is not usable at any screen size Olivier
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 17 Sep 2020 16:54
| Hello Olivier, I am enjoying the EmuTOS for the new V4 Core. Thanks again for sharing. Hope you find the time to bring this version on par with the current EmuTos 1.0 and also hope that you can reconfigure the saga16 and saga32 fVDI... I have experienced one issue with the EmuTOS on V4 with RC2 Core and that is that if I use VControl MR to boot EmuTOS or if I reset an existing EmuTOS session the keyboard input does not work. So only booting cold from kick.rom on SD will work OK with keyboard. Do you have the same issue?
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 17 Sep 2020 20:08
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| Hello Olivier, I am enjoying the EmuTOS for the new V4 Core. Thanks again for sharing. Hope you find the time to bring this version on par with the current EmuTos 1.0 and also hope that you can reconfigure the saga16 and saga32 fVDI... I have experienced one issue with the EmuTOS on V4 with RC2 Core and that is that if I use VControl MR to boot EmuTOS or if I reset an existing EmuTOS session the keyboard input does not work. So only booting cold from kick.rom on SD will work OK with keyboard. Do you have the same issue?
To be honest difference between this version and 1.0 is very minor, I don't think you will find an issue link to this difference on V4SA, except if I add some myself (possible!) I have not the issue you notice but I not launch as you Emutos, in fact Gunnar send me a core with Emutos booting directly, this was a version I do without test! It work but there is some issue with palette. So I put in auto maprom for atari and put my rom on root and it launch Emutos. No issue. Do you try unplug the keyboard and plug again, I have this issue with my mouse. Keyboard for my point of view is not an Emutos issue as all is manage by V4 hardware. I have start to do driver for 32 bits but I a bit disapointed it not work for the moment. In fact in this version I not access directly to the hardware for init I use xbios function I have add to Emutos as in Falcon rom, should work but no :-(, so this futur version will work only with my Emutos version (I will send update to Emutos team of course when I will be happy with new Emutos version (video near ok, and sound not finished at all!))
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 18 Sep 2020 19:09
| Thanks for the quick reply. I saw in the Apollo channel that you have a FreeMiNT/MyAes setup running on 960x540. Could you share that setup? I am collecting all Vampire V4 OS/distro's for a multi boot setup. I now use the "Amitari" distro from Stefan Niestegge, but this is from 2017 and I would very much like to have an up-to-date working distort for Atari lovers (like me) to run on the new V4 RC2 Core. I do not have the knowledge (yet) to make my own FreemInt/AES setup, so if I could use your setup I will incorporate that into the V4BootLoader, with your credentials off course :-)
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 18 Sep 2020 20:01
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| Thanks for the quick reply. I saw in the Apollo channel that you have a FreeMiNT/MyAes setup running on 960x540. Could you share that setup? I am collecting all Vampire V4 OS/distro's for a multi boot setup. I now use the "Amitari" distro from Stefan Niestegge, but this is from 2017 and I would very much like to have an up-to-date working distort for Atari lovers (like me) to run on the new V4 RC2 Core. I do not have the knowledge (yet) to make my own FreemInt/AES setup, so if I could use your setup I will incorporate that into the V4BootLoader, with your credentials off course :-)
Hello share a configuration for V4SA yes of course I can do it, it is simple for me, I have made a quite advanced configuration for Aranym emulator, I could do something more simple but near of my main Aranym configuration : EXTERNAL LINK But let me in minimum have fVDI working with Emutos. Olivier
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 19 Sep 2020 09:09
| Olivier Landemarre wrote:
Willem Drijver wrote:
| Thanks for the quick reply. I saw in the Apollo channel that you have a FreeMiNT/MyAes setup running on 960x540. Could you share that setup? I am collecting all Vampire V4 OS/distro's for a multi boot setup. I now use the "Amitari" distro from Stefan Niestegge, but this is from 2017 and I would very much like to have an up-to-date working distort for Atari lovers (like me) to run on the new V4 RC2 Core. I do not have the knowledge (yet) to make my own FreemInt/AES setup, so if I could use your setup I will incorporate that into the V4BootLoader, with your credentials off course :-) |
Hello share a configuration for V4SA yes of course I can do it, it is simple for me, I have made a quite advanced configuration for Aranym emulator, I could do something more simple but near of my main Aranym configuration : EXTERNAL LINK But let me in minimum have fVDI working with Emutos. Olivier
Just for information I have found the issue link to using Vsetmode with fVDI in Emutos, now I have 32 bit version looks working, for the moment Mint + XaAES work with this, but with MyAES it crash after load background desktop image, I have to check. Doing 16 bit version, will be very easy. Olivier
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 19 Sep 2020 13:31
| Thats great Olivier, I am sure that you will make some Atari loving Vampire owners happy and for me personally it’s nice to dive into Atari world once again. In 1985/86 I worked for Atari Netherlands, starting distribution. What a great time that was. Looking forward to your setup with fVDI working....
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 19 Sep 2020 18:37
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| Thats great Olivier, I am sure that you will make some Atari loving Vampire owners happy and for me personally it’s nice to dive into Atari world once again. In 1985/86 I worked for Atari Netherlands, starting distribution. What a great time that was. Looking forward to your setup with fVDI working....
I'm going to do a configuration now, fix MyAES crash (was again link to vsetscreen in my Emutos version)
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 20 Sep 2020 08:50
| Perfect, thanks again! Which partitions (kind/size) should I reserve in the CF-Card layout? For now I have reserved one FAT16 partition of 1Gb size. But is this enough? And does your setup require a second EXT2 partition and third FAT32 partition like EasyMinT?
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 20 Sep 2020 13:05
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| Perfect, thanks again! Which partitions (kind/size) should I reserve in the CF-Card layout? For now I have reserved one FAT16 partition of 1Gb size. But is this enough? And does your setup require a second EXT2 partition and third FAT32 partition like EasyMinT?
First partition 1GB is enough (I have one of 2 but far not full!), and add a FAT32 partition for nothing for the moment, ext2 should be ok too or more partition under Mint, Emutos can handle only FAT16. I'm doing a new configuration from scratch now, to have something clean
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| |  Willem Drijver (Apollo Team Member) Posts 131 20 Sep 2020 13:47
| OK, thanks. What sizes should I partition for EXT2 and FAT32? FAT16: 1Gb EXT2: ?? Gb FAT32: ?? Gb
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| |  Olivier Landemarre
Posts 148 20 Sep 2020 15:30
| Willem Drijver wrote:
| OK, thanks. What sizes should I partition for EXT2 and FAT32? FAT16: 1Gb EXT2: ?? Gb FAT32: ?? Gb
I don't know depend of Mint, should be high, I have a FAT32 partition of 30Gb
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