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Questions and Answers for AROS AMIGA OS

I'm Getting This Error

Alper Ocak

Posts 9
21 Sep 2023 18:55

I get this error when I first turn on my Amiga. When I press Cancel, the Amiga opens in low resolution. Then I adjust the resolution. I see this error every time I open it. What should I do?


Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6294
22 Sep 2023 05:49

alper ocak wrote:

I get this error when I first turn on my Amiga. When I press Cancel, the Amiga opens in low resolution. Then I adjust the resolution. I see this error every time I open it. What should I do?

This is easy to explain.

Amiga does by design boot with no display.
And Amiga will execute the Startup-Sequence line by line.
When finished Amiga will open the display with your selected screenmode.

If during execution of the Startup-Sequence something gets printed out -  like the Network-SSL error in your case, then Amiga will open a "default screen" and print it.

The normal mechanism of opening the Display in your selected mode will then not work anymore.

This is what you see.
Your solution is fixing the printout - e.g. fixing the SSL problem.

I noticed that you run OS 8.0?
This is pretty old. Current version is 9.4
Have you considered using 9.4?

Alper Ocak

Posts 9
22 Sep 2023 08:25

Thank you for the information you provided.
I use TVPaint a lot on my Amiga.
I would like to upgrade the OS version. But I'm pretty clueless about this. Is it an easy thing?
I'm afraid of breaking my working system.

Is there a guide I can follow regarding this?
Thanks again.

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6294
22 Sep 2023 13:26

alper ocak wrote:

Thank you for the information you provided.
  I use TVPaint a lot on my Amiga.
  I would like to upgrade the OS version. But I'm pretty clueless about this. Is it an easy thing?
  I'm afraid of breaking my working system.
  Is there a guide I can follow regarding this?
  Thanks again.

This is relative easy.
Most simple way is open your system, unplug the CF card,
Download the ApolloOS.img to your PC and unzip it,
Write the IMG with Balenea Etcher using a CF writer to the CF, replug the CF into your Amiga.

Alper Ocak

Posts 9
22 Sep 2023 19:10

Big big thanks.
I updated my Amiga to Apollo OS 9.4 and everything works great now.

posts 5