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Final Writter Updated Coming to AROS 68kpage  1 2 

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
12 Jun 2019 20:09

WIP Beta screenshots

PDF export enabled, no doc import/export yet

Roger Andre Lassen

Posts 150
12 Jun 2019 20:29

Good stuff. Now we need a Vamped AROS.
Future is looking brighter every day.

Stefano Briccolani

Posts 586
13 Jun 2019 17:30

Final Writer will come also in 68k OS 3.x version.
With this and a new Ibrowse in progress, this 2019 will be a very interesting year for Classic Amiga users..

Steve Ferrell

Posts 424
13 Jun 2019 18:52

Stefano Briccolani wrote:

Final Writer will come also in 68k OS 3.x version.
  With this and a new Ibrowse in progress, this 2019 will be a very interesting year for Classic Amiga users..

Who is working on a new IBrowse?  I'd be curious to see the progress because there's so much that needs to be overhauled/added to get IBrowse up to modern standards...i.e. javascript, PHP, HTML5, etc...

Is it being hosted on github or is this a closed-source effort?

John William

Posts 623
13 Jun 2019 18:52

Stefano Briccolani wrote:

Final Writer will come also in 68k OS 3.x version.
  With this and a new Ibrowse in progress, this 2019 will be a very interesting year for Classic Amiga users..

If I was you...I would make a kickstarter campaign to actually support netsurf over ibrowse. If I was you...I would collects thousands and hundreds of thousand of dollars if possible...bring the current netsurf developer right now (one single person) that is supporting the Amiga community and Vampire community and donate to help or support him financially to join other teams (if he is willing to do it or accept, ask his permission first) and make netsurf into MUI interface and support it to be more stable, better, more features..improve CSS 5.0 for example, add lite weight if possible java/javascript, add implementation of embedded video (even if it is RIVA)...allow us to browse youtube like we do in modern machines, see comments of youtube, post comments as comments, give ability to watch live streams as features using Riva embedded into the browse..is one example you would want to have in netsurf.

Maybe if we support something that is way AHEAD OF IBROWSE AND DON'T GIVE FALSE promises or hopes and we don't have to deal with lack of communication or wait hundreds of thousands of years for an outdated features and minor bug fixes....vs....netsurf which is right now way ahead of all browsers in Amiga community right now.

Maybe...if we focus on that..instead of waiting for ibrowse!

As for final writer...don't we already have a 68k version of it? Final Writer 97? What is special about this version?

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
13 Jun 2019 19:47

John William wrote:

  As for final writer...don't we already have a 68k version of it? Final Writer 97? What is special about this version?

- Its updated and bugfixed
- Its crossplatform (OS4,MOS,AROS,OS3)
- It gets PDF Export and development continues
- We do need word processor as much as a browser

On the topic of Ibrowse 3, it will be HTML4 not 5, and not an par with Netsurf. So as suggested, Netsurf is best starting point for more modern OS3 browser. Or backport of OWB from AROS x64.

John William

Posts 623
13 Jun 2019 19:57

Vojin Vidanovic wrote:

John William wrote:

  As for final writer...don't we already have a 68k version of it? Final Writer 97? What is special about this version?

  - Its updated and bugfixed
  - Its crossplatform (OS4,MOS,AROS,OS3)
  - It gets PDF Export and development continues
  - We do need word processor as much as a browser
  On the topic of Ibrowse 3, it will be HTML4 not 5, and not an par with Netsurf. So as suggested, Netsurf is best starting point for more modern OS3 browser. Or backport of OWB from AROS x64.

Netsurf IS OWB in all regards but for AmigaOS 68k. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE OWB for AmigaOS 68k...BUT NETSURF broke that impossibility and it is called NETSURF...just because the name is different the interface is different does not mean it is not OWB. We just need to support it by investing kickstart campaign money into to bring more human resources into it. We need to make new changes to Netsurf...MAKE IT 100% MUI interface like Ibrowse, add better features on top of the current one...make it more stable and solid, lighter, faster, strong..implement better AmiSSL into it..maybe even have it communicate with AmiSSL for all sorts of up to date security. Allow it to view the latest most security websites httpsssssss even if I have to add ten more s's to get the point cross. Add CSS5 fully...even able to view pages where you can view videos through css5? Like you know what I mean? Have it use ALL THE NEWEST FEATURES AND REGISTRIES FROM VAMPIRE if it means maxing out optimization and performance....

maybe through the money we collect we can get genius mathematicians to formulate the most efficient complex code like you see people in the Atari community who able to port Quake in stock Atari for example because of their genius coding skills..we bring that to the team for a browser

NOW THAT IS MONEY WELL SPEND...EVEN IF NETSURF END UP A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT to compensate for the investment IT IS MONEY WORTH PAYING AND A KEY OR REGISTERING WORTH DOING if it means BRING THE MOST POSSIBLE UP-TO-DATE browser that one can bring into the Amiga 68k...then do it. If it means it can only run on Vampire hardware because of the nature of the beast SO BE IT...wee can even rename it VampireSurf!

Point is...we need to support Netsurf not ibrowse........ibrowse and AWeb is dead and the author of these browsers have already shouted loud and clear and said people stop ...we are dead...we no longer support it...by their actions.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
13 Jun 2019 20:05

John William wrote:
...wee can even rename it VampireSurf!
  Point is...we need to support Netsurf not ibrowse........ibrowse and AWeb is dead and the author of these browsers have already shouted loud and clear and said people stop ...we are dead...we no longer support it...by their actions.

A very nice dream, like similar I once had of Firefox (TW) on A1-x1000, but similarly, there seems to be one one able and willing to do it.

Ibrowse development continues, but too slow, too little.
Only thing I like is what you mentioned - MUI GUI, AMI SSL and using Amiga features.

Aweb is dead and opensource. Too bad Voyager, AmiIRC and MetalWeb a visual MUI HTML editor died too. But at least company was named "Vapor" :)

Santiago Gutierrez

Posts 47
13 Jun 2019 21:56

Nice work guys.

MetalWeb, his main programmer was in my scene group. I could contact with him if you need something :)

Sean Sk

Posts 489
14 Jun 2019 01:17

John William wrote:

Point is...we need to support Netsurf not ibrowse........ibrowse and AWeb is dead and the author of these browsers have already shouted loud and clear and said people stop ...we are dead...we no longer support it...by their actions.

Mate, can you please stop talking crap! What rubbish seriously. Do you have hard evidence that iBrowse development is dead? No, you don't. iBrowse is still being actively developed, although it is slow. At the moment I use both iBrowse and Netsurf for different things. I will probably support both if I'm given the opportunity.

John William

Posts 623
14 Jun 2019 02:41

sean sk wrote:

John William wrote:

    Point is...we need to support Netsurf not ibrowse........ibrowse and AWeb is dead and the author of these browsers have already shouted loud and clear and said people stop ...we are dead...we no longer support it...by their actions.

    Mate, can you please stop talking crap! What rubbish seriously. Do you have hard evidence that iBrowse development is dead? No, you don't. iBrowse is still being actively developed, although it is slow. At the moment I use both iBrowse and Netsurf for different things. I will probably support both if I'm given the opportunity.

  I see two browsers one light years in advance over other. One is active in development and get updates road runner faster than the other.
  One have potential to be great one we are not sure when or if a plug will be pulled. One is free and fast developed one is commercial and snail to almost crawl developed. My suggestion is to put in the new since it jumped way ahead of the old and even ibrowse 3.0 new patch is behind netsurf that we already enjoy today...you guys are already supporting the old.....why not support the new that have potential of been the best and most advance browser in Amiga history?

Gunnar von Boehn
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 6301
14 Jun 2019 06:17

sean sk wrote:

  Mate, can you please stop talking crap! What rubbish seriously. Do you have hard evidence that iBrowse development is dead? No, you don't. iBrowse is still being actively developed, although it is slow.

I like your spirit, but maybe we should look together at facts.
The work on Ibrowse release 2.5 started in the year 2007,
now in year 2019 the 2.5 release is still not out.
I think everyone agrees with you, working 12 years on one release, can be called slow.
Was there a lot work done in Release 2.5?
This history log does not give the impression that Ibrowse got serious improvements.
If you look at the 2.5 history log,
one gets the impression that, yes a few small bugs were fixes,
but that main work done in those 12 years was porting Ibrowse to OS4, and supporting MUI 4.
The three Amiga webbrowsers Aweb, Ibrowse, and Voyager were all very good at their time.
They were good browsers which were fast and very use able in the early days of internet browsing.
In the last 20 years webstandards did change a lot, after HTML 3, HTML 4 and HTML 5 came out.
Only very few website like this APOLLO Forum still support HTML 3.
Unfortunately all the effort spend to port Ibrowse to PPC / OS4 does not improve the web browsing.

Seriously I like the idea of supporting Amiga coders and supporting
Ibrowse development a lot.
The OS4 users will certainly be happy that these 12 years were  spend for the port.

As 68K user I rather wish for improving HTML rendering...

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
14 Jun 2019 12:55

Santiago Gutierrez wrote:

Nice work guys.
  MetalWeb, his main programmer was in my scene group. I could contact with him if you need something :)

If there was at any point beta advanced from MetalWEB 4.0.1, a public release would be most welcome.

Renaud Schweingruber
(Apollo Team Member)
Posts 381
14 Jun 2019 13:53

A FinalWriter update is a kinda nice news !

Sean Sk

Posts 489
14 Jun 2019 15:21

John William wrote:

  I see two browsers one light years in advance over other. One is active in development and get updates road runner faster than the other.
  One have potential to be great one we are not sure when or if a plug will be pulled. One is free and fast developed one is commercial and snail to almost crawl developed. My suggestion is to put in the new since it jumped way ahead of the old and even ibrowse 3.0 new patch is behind netsurf that we already enjoy today...you guys are already supporting the old.....why not support the new that have potential of been the best and most advance browser in Amiga history?

Yes I agree that Netsurf definitely has eclipsed iBrowse and I understand you're enthusiasm in supporting Netsurf as I do, I love using it! But my point is don't do be too over-enthusiastic in writing off iBrowse just yet. My apologies if I came across too critical. :)

John William

Posts 623
14 Jun 2019 15:59

sean sk wrote:

John William wrote:

  I see two browsers one light years in advance over other. One is active in development and get updates road runner faster than the other.
  One have potential to be great one we are not sure when or if a plug will be pulled. One is free and fast developed one is commercial and snail to almost crawl developed. My suggestion is to put in the new since it jumped way ahead of the old and even ibrowse 3.0 new patch is behind netsurf that we already enjoy today...you guys are already supporting the old.....why not support the new that have potential of been the best and most advance browser in Amiga history?

  Yes I agree that Netsurf definitely has eclipsed iBrowse and I understand you're enthusiasm in supporting Netsurf as I do, I love using it! But my point is don't do be too over-enthusiastic in writing off iBrowse just yet. My apologies if I came across too critical. :)

Naaah..no biggies....we are adults here. You are just compassionate in your stand :)

T. Deters(terminills)

Posts 11
11 Nov 2019 12:15

John William wrote:

Stefano Briccolani wrote:

  Final Writer will come also in 68k OS 3.x version.
  With this and a new Ibrowse in progress, this 2019 will be a very interesting year for Classic Amiga users..

  If I was you...I would make a kickstarter campaign to actually support netsurf over ibrowse. If I was you...I would collects thousands and hundreds of thousand of dollars if possible...bring the current netsurf developer right now (one single person) that is supporting the Amiga community and Vampire community and donate to help or support him financially to join other teams (if he is willing to do it or accept, ask his permission first) and make netsurf into MUI interface and support it to be more stable, better, more features..improve CSS 5.0 for example, add lite weight if possible java/javascript, add implementation of embedded video (even if it is RIVA)...allow us to browse youtube like we do in modern machines, see comments of youtube, post comments as comments, give ability to watch live streams as features using Riva embedded into the browse..is one example you would want to have in netsurf.
  Maybe if we support something that is way AHEAD OF IBROWSE AND DON'T GIVE FALSE promises or hopes and we don't have to deal with lack of communication or wait hundreds of thousands of years for an outdated features and minor bug fixes....vs....netsurf which is right now way ahead of all browsers in Amiga community right now.
  Maybe...if we focus on that..instead of waiting for ibrowse!
  As for final writer...don't we already have a 68k version of it? Final Writer 97? What is special about this version?

Depends on your point of view.  I mean my point of view is I paid to bring it back to life.  With this came the idea of updating it and fixing it's bugs.

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
11 Nov 2019 15:54

Please Gents, more browsers, more love. As much as I am concerned, please port Gecko or WebKit to MUI Vapor Voyager 3+ :-)

At the other hand AW.guys, take our "support" seriously

Wawa T

Posts 695
11 Nov 2019 19:04

John William wrote:

Netsurf IS OWB in all regards but for AmigaOS 68k.

alas it is not. i think it is a rather good opportunity on amiga as it does not require much resources- alas even in comparison with ten years old webkit (aros owb) it falls short. one can clearly, even testing its windows version.


actually it isnt impossible. aros owb compiled for m68k and i have tested it on an a4000 under aros. however if you mean odyssey. it may vers well be too much to demand. i have it compiling for m68k, yet it needs debugged if it is ever going to work..

Vojin Vidanovic
(Needs Verification)
Posts 1916/ 1
12 Nov 2019 14:54

wawa t wrote:

  actually it isnt impossible. aros owb compiled for m68k and i have tested it on an a4000 under aros. however if you mean odyssey. it may vers well be too much to demand. i have it compiling for m68k, yet it needs debugged if it is ever going to work..

While we should move "browser war" to separate topic, please make test version of Odyssey AROS m68k or OS3. It will be true "test weapon" for V4

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